Hello dear friends, some news to share...

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    Hello my darlings...

    I just wanted to let all my dear friends here know that I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer a couple of weeks ago and will have to have surgery on Sep 4. I will most likely be out of commission for a while (full hysterectomy and bladder reconstruction...love getting old!) I hope this is ok to post this here and appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts during this challenge. Love you all as part of my family from PV to here and it was important for me to share this with you.
    Cindy♥ ♥

  • Doll Group

    My prayers and thoughts are with you dear friend xoxox ❤


    I will be praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery! If you need anything, let me know!

  • The Story Corner

    @cindu12 Oh Cindy, I hope it all goes well for you. All our thoughts and prayers will be with you.💞

  • All Things Wedding

    Oh sweetie, you are in my thoughts and will pray for a quick recovery, think how much better you will feel after you recuperate. Sleep all you can after as this is when our bodies heal them self. God bless you sweetie, with love and hugs from me the crazy cat lady.

  • Decor Amour

    Sending prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. xo

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    Thank you all so so very much. You have warmed my heart with your lovely and kind words of hope, prayers and love and I adore and love each of you with all my heart...


  • Color Crush!

    I will have you in my thoughts and my prayers. I wish you all the best. Donna Emjule

  • Darling friend as always you 'll be in my heart, thoughts and prayers.
    I have faith that you will come through this as good as new and will be back with us very soon.
    Mega hugs sweetie. xoxox

  • For the Love of Animals

    My prayers are with you my friend. I am right there with you as my surgery is Sept. 6, they are doing a biopsy and laproscopy to look around because I've had so many surgeries I produce a large amount of adhesions and they have to see how dangerous it will be to do a hysterctomy. I have endometreosis and also have been hemorraging. We can pray for each other and I wish you well. Love, Rhana

  • Morbid Curiosities

    @cindu12 Prayers are up for you, your family and the sharp minds and steady hands of your surgeons. Cindy, you are strong and have a wonderful support system!! We LOVE you and wish the best and a speedy recovery!! Don't forget a pillow for your tummy when you cough or laugh!! Xoxo KarenLee

  • Sending prayers to you and family!! Good luck on the surgery and wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Oh Cindy!
    I've learned that in life that, when "surprises" like these rear their ugly heads, we learn. And we grow. Removing the troubled area, as well as having an improved bladder (That's actually kind cool, in that it may be stronger!) is certainly frightening, yet one has to look at the blessing in being diagnosed early enough so that hopefully you will only need surgery, which yes, is a BIG DEAL, but you are a strong woman. I can tell this by your art. Yes. You can tell a lot by a person's art if you look closely enough and really appreciate it.

    That said, prayers, spells (prayer rituals, nothing dark) and lots of happy, healing energy is being sent to you from my neck of the woods, with hopes that you will, once this is behind you, experience the profound personal growth and goodness that comes from the hardest of times. 💜

    I would like to share something with you that I hope you, and others, will take take offense to.
    My father went in for a colonoscopy, his first. They found "Stage 4" colon cancer, which meant it had spread beyond the colon and to other organs. The doctor who delivered these results did not offer him options. He was given 3-6 months and told to go home, get his affairs in order, and spend time with his family. Because I was his ride, I was the only family member to be informed of this. He told no one else.

    He did go get a second opinion, which was no more promising than the first, and then opted to do nothing more than change his body chemistry. He was a chemist. Cancer is cancer regardless of the 'type'. The symptoms will differ of course, but it is the same dis-ease: One's immune system is not able to kill off the cancer on its own. No matter where cancer attacks, it is simply attacking a weak spot. So what do you do? Boost your immunity so it can assist with healing and with any treatments you may have.

    I found a book, which I will link to you here, that pretty much sums up what my father did to help himself, and gave us even more information/tools. This book is written for anyone who has, or has had, cancer of any form, or for anyone who wants to prevent it if at all possible. If your immunity needs a boost, it's worth considering.

    My father worked on getting his immune system in tip-top shape. And MONTHS after starting his new immunity regimen, doctors were astounded when a follow-up exam revealed that the cancer in his liver was gone. Five years later, Dad passed naturally, not due to the colon cancer that he never had removed or medically treated. It never got any worse, he experienced no symptoms or problems. I know colon cancer tends to be deemed "the silent killer", so let me tell you about my mother.

    Because my father was following the protocol in the book, and I was caretaker to both of my parents, my mother was following it too -- to an extent -- without knowing it. She'd been diagnosed with end-stage emphysema and was "made comfortable". No hope. Eventually, my mother was examined and taken off supplemental oxygen because she, much to the surprise of medical professionals', found no evidence of emphysema.

    Do I sound like a Snake Oil Salesman? I am not saying that a book with cure anything, or even that a certain diet will. I'm saying that our bodies are capable of healing, of allowing for strong and quick recoveries, and of preventing further dis-ease when strong enough. Yes, things wear out and we wear down and no one can live forever, but living forever is not the goal. Living free of cancer and other health issues so that we can feel good and concentrate on what makes us happy is the goal. So at the very least, it's worth checking out the book that helped my folks.
    I am NOT suggesting that you not get the surgeries. I'm simply encouraging you to help your body heal from them more easily and to keep yourself healthy and free of cancer once you get there. You'll get there. Of that I am certain. And we'll be here waiting! 😘

    Beating Cancer with Nutrition

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    @joeanne Thank you my dearest friend, love ya MEGA hugs and kisses

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy Thank you darling for your lovely message and words of encouragement. You are right, after this surgery my incontinence should be about 80% better, so I can cough, sneeze and laugh without that wonderful leakage that we older ladies experience as part of life. the cancer is more intimidating, fear of the unknown and all that, but the silver lining is it is level 1 and non-aggressive so my hope is that is contained in that area and has not spread.

    Thank you for sharing your very moving stories that your parents went through. I have heard that building you immune system is essential even in our every day lives but knowing it could also help your body fight these horrid diseases is so encouraging and I will definitely look into this book you recommend. I am also a strong believer in the power of a good positive mental attitude, which I am trying to maintain every day.

    It is so good to have such good friends that have never met face to face but have bonded through this platform. Thank you for your prayers, spells and all that happy healing energy coming my way, I know it will make all the difference. 🤗 😘 🤗

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    Thank you everyone for all these beautiful messages...love and adore you all!!


  • Twisted Gypsies

    @cindu12 Anything I can do to help... When your bladder is fixed and ONLY if you like my twisted humor, I will be happy to test your improved bladder function by creating sets to make you pee your pants... figuratively... 😜
    💜 💜 💜

  • The Story Corner

    @funkyjunkygypsy We all look forward to that!!!!😀💞

  • Beauty, Fashion and Fun (BFF)

    Dearest Cindy,

    I just found out about this and I’m so sorry you’re having to go through the hell that cancer can be. I was gratified to see that it is only stage one. I’m not trivializing your surgery, just happy because the remission rate for stage 1 is so high and I know that you’ll be back on your feet in no time at all. I’m sending prayers for peace of mind going into your surgery, patience, and a pain-free recovery. And I hope you can feel all the love coming from your URStyle family cos we are sending a LOT of it your way!

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy I cannot wait and will keep that in mind as I heal...just 4 more days...getting a little anxious but glad to have good friends to make me giggle!!😍😍


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