Former Polyvore Member Names & URStyle Names List Here!
darksmile01 = darksmile10
This post is deleted! -
Hello everybody! So happy to join this amazing site. I used to be a member of Polyvore. In polyvore I was fake-queen and now I am Kathrine!!!
Irene Erin) as was
So glad I found this site I was BluKatDesign on Polyvore & here too! I wish I could remember some of my favorite peeps!
Hi all,
I was larosita on Polyvore, and I'm larosita here ( . Just joined URSTYLE
I was a polyvore user my username was falling-backwards-twards-death. I was a rp account.
@FunkyJunkyGypsy please add me to your polyvore user name list......I've got the same name here eyesondesign0181. Thanks so much!
@FunkyJunkyGypsy thank you for this post. Please add me also to your Polyvore list. I was Carol Lynn's Secret Garden on Polyvore On Urstyle I am under the name Carol-Lynn
Thank you very much
Hi, could you possibly add me to the list? My polyvore user was indiesarah and my new user is sarahelisabeth
hello! I just recently found URSTYLE and I was on polyvore too. Thank you for this list by the way
I was Jungshooketh on pv and now I'm esp.on on us!
I was on Polyvore too. My name was Lisannevicious there.
Happy I have found an app smiliar to polyvore -
@funkyjunkygypsy Add me please,same name on Poly and Urstyle.Thank you! : )
I was @merima-kopic back on Polyvore. Hope you remember, I follow everyone back!
Also me @sabinakopic ; my sister @merimakopic and friend @fashioncar
would love to be added aswell, was also @p-ureness on polyvore
Hello !! Thank you for making this list, my name was @marwariad on polyvore now im @marzilla !! If you could add me to the list that would be great !
hey! could i be added? i was @chxrry-blossom and @sugarplum-s on polyvore
@FunkyJunkyGypsy hello I am ex Polyvorian. my nick was roxariaone and now, on Urstyle, is roxariaone (so it is easy) thx a lot
hey :)! also a former polyvore user (i'm still so sad jskssk).
my old polyvore account was @sadloving and now i'm @architecture