Former Polyvore Member Names & URStyle Names List Here!
@misskouture Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@lseed87 Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@pj_at_sc HELLO!!! Great to see you here! You're on the list!
Please check for accuracy! Thanks! -
@havens Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@_dreamingangel_ Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@septembrie Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@lysianna Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@korekara Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@funkyjunkygypsy it's perfect! thanks :')
Im also from Polyvore. Great to be here!
I was and I still am : @dgia
Hello! I guess I need to get on the list.
tiffanysblues here. Thanks!
Hi! I was @maisythicc on Polyvore!
melannf on Polyvore and here as well
Hey there! Great post, thanks!
Nice to see you here.
@TheSeaPearl -
I was Shyliekee100 on Polyvore. Now it's Shyliekee on URSTYLE.
Blessings, hugs, cool breezes.
Oh, I somehow missed this topic
My last Polyvore username was vn1ta (anita-n before that) and my URSTYLE username is @vn1ta .
Glad to see everyone here!
I've just pinned this topic for easy access (SAY HELLO section).
@FunkyJunkyGypsy Thank you for this awesome idea!P.S. Here is a document with Polyvore usernames that circled around Facebook PV groups in April: It might be helpful.
Hi! I was morbid-octobur & lithe-fae (2 seperate accounts) on polyvore!
This is an amazing idea... I was buffykdh on Polyvore, and I'm still @buffykdh here (Why fix what was never broken? :P)