Former Polyvore Member Names & URStyle Names List Here!
Hello my dear, I just discovered this list and noticed that I am not yet listed as a former Polyvore user. My name was greta-martin and it's the same here at URSTYLE. Thanks so much for the amazing job you are doing , I will certainly go through this list carefully, I also have a number of people that I'm looking for since long and would very much like to find. Thanks a million my dear
Hi, I am countrycousin from polyvore
@greta-martin How on earth did I miss this? I have added you to the list! Please check for accuracy! THANKS!
@countrycousin Well! I am SO behind! So so sorry about that! I've added you to the list! Please check for accuracy! THANKS!
@aqua22 Just give me your Polyvore name as well as the UrStyle one. Was your name also Aqua22 on Polyvore?
@funkyjunkygypsy Thank you! Yes, Aqua22 on Polyvore as well:-) Again thanks
@aqua22 said in Former Polyvore Member Names & URStyle Names List Here!:
Very good! You're up! Please check for accuracy! THANKS!
@funkyjunkygypsy Perfect. Thanks it's very much appreciated.
@aqua22 You're very welcome!
@merrygorounds polyvore
@merrygorounds Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@evachasioti (Polyvore)
@eva-chasioti Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
Would appreciate an add!
My old Polyvore name: queen-of-asgard-160
My URStyle name: queenofasgard160 -
@queenofasgard160 Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
I appreciate you @funkyjunkygypsy for making this list!
I was wondering if you could add me too please? My username was @shaluvs212 = @studio.nsha now, thank youu
@studio-nsha I' so glad it's helpful to you!!! Find your old friends! YAY!!!
You're in! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@funkyjunkygypsy yes, it's correct, thank you very much!!!
Thank you for making this list. On Polyvore I was idetached. I kept the same name of idetached on Urstyle. Thanks again for doing this.