Hi there, I am also from Polyvore:)

  • Street Style by Ansev

    Hi, I am Ella from Polyvore, my user name was @tasteofbliss. I am still shocked about the unforeseen and harsh loss of Polyvore, which meant a lot to me and which left me feeling kind of dull and empty. Like many other former polyfriends, I am now looking for something comparable, which allows me to be creative and express myself with fashion, as a much needed daily timeout and personal retreat. However it seems that so far, nothing else can compete with the creative design options and possibilities Polyvore offered, let alone all the wonderful collections of a vast number of great items and pics... But I'll give it a try and I hope to find many of my former polyfriends:-). Love, Ella

  • Doll Group

    Hi Ella how are you, i was devastated too, like I lost my best friend overnight, nothing is quite the same, so i changed my name, i was daizyjayne, now i’m janesstylediary

  • Recognised your Polyvore-Icon (mine has changed, but same name) and because of that decided to give it a try here 🙂 Feels very limited right now...


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