cindu thanks this post just inspired me for my new contest!
@minerva Thank you so very much Minerva my friend for your lovely, thoughtful and extremely kind words! I am very flattered and appreciate it more than I can say.
It is a lot of time spent, but as I tell my son who loves playing video games, when I spend a day on UR, at least I have something to show for it!! HAHA! I just look at it as a creative outlet for doing something I enjoy so much!
Thank you again for your kindness and have a great week ahead!!
@minerva Oh yeah! They are a royal pain for sure!!
@minerva YAY!!
@cindu12 I am very late to reply to this celebratory post, and I'm thrilled you wrote it and talked about the friendships we have formed though both Polyvore and UrStyle. I wanted to add this link for those still looking for old friends, or those who want to be found. As you can see, it was posted 5 years ago and has been constantly maintained by Yours Truly. Hope it's helpful to those looking to reconnect!
Member Name List from Polyvore to UrStyle
https://urstyle.fashion/topic/1731376/former-polyvore-member-names-urstyle-names-list-here?page=1LOVE this post, @cindu12 -- and YOU!
Happy Birthday, @admin!!! May there be many more!
@funkyjunkygypsy Thank you so so much for posting that link!! I was looking and looking and looking to try and find it so I am thrilled you had it all along!! It is a very good list and I thank you for maintaining it!! Love you doll!!
@cindu12 You are welcome!!! Maybe I should put the link on my "Profile" page or whatever the name of that page is. I've been meaning to update my Tutorial Sets and Sets with Hints and Tips (which include that link.) This might be a good time to do so! xoxox
First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone in this thread for being here! Despite many challenges, I am trying to return to this project and actively develop the website again, introduce new functionalities, and set aside a budget for a professional mobile app
I am slowly wrapping up old topics to have time for URSTYLE. See you soon!