Ads popping up suddenly

  • Style File

    Hi all. I've always used firefox which has an ad blocker built in. All of a sudden ads have been popping up on the Urstyle site. Random. I've added an extra adblocker and some still came in. I noticed I didn't have the ad blocker set for private mode so adjusted that. I hope it works. Still, why all of a sudden when for years there was no issue. Anyone else? FYI, I never use Chrome because nothing but ads. Oh, and I hadn't been on UrStyle for a couple of years then was trying to show someone my UrStyle via IPhone and there were so many ads that I couldn't even navigate.

  • It's All About The Background!

    I also only use Firefox on my PC and always use the ad blocker and I do not have any problems! However, it's a different story on my laptop! I will had to figure out how to get the ad blocker to be more affective, especially since I will be out of state part of the week next week and will only have my laptop.


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