Groups questions (admins)

  • Doll Group

    I have questions at the moment as an admin of the Doll Group, and thought it would be handier to just make a Help thread to gather all the admin questions. So people can find it back easier, of course. I couldn't find any akin thread, but let me know if there is one!

    1. How do I enable the group icon on forums? It's active in settings for as far as I can tell, but it doesn't seem to show up. Unless I'm missing something. Very possible, I'm swamped at the moment.
      It would be wonderful if any other group amdin that already figured this out could post a screenshot of group settings for this ♥

    These are my current settings;

    The icon just showed up on members. But not on me? XD!

    2. How does one pin a thread in the group's forum?
    I don't see an option.

  • Doll Group

    I still don't have the icon, myself. Is there a bug, or is it intentional that the admin of a group doesn't get it?

    I also still haven't seen an option to pin a thread.


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