• CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    😒 My set https://urstyle.com/styles/1750175
    after publishing the set ...half of it is missing and the items aren't even displaying or show in the 'used I forgot to take a screenshot since it was saving so fast. Urggg. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚_

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Hi Dear, 😞 yeah, it's pretty frustrating when glitches like this happen, especially with those Sets it takes us many hours and/or days to create, but I'm sure URStyle will look into it. I've not had this experience personally but I've heard of similar things happening. The Platform the URStyle Team is working with is enormous and every once in awhile these types of glitches pop up in the process of URStyle working out the kinks, but they do get to these issues pretty quickly. You can send a message to Olivepear about this and she'll get back to you as well. I hope this can be resolved for you soon. In the mean time, if you haven't tried it already, clean your Cache & Cookies and see if that helps at all. I'm sure you've opened another tab for URStyle and/or tried resetting the Page, but if not, try those. Hang in there!

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    @rainheartart thx Pal....I will send it over to @admin

  • it happens to me too 😞 Luckily I made a screenshot so I posted it on instagram, I clipped the instagram pic and I put it in a new set πŸ˜‚ hope the beautiful urstyle team will fix this issue soon, I'm too afraid to create right now πŸ˜‚

  • DollieπŸͺ»Divas

    @luckied99 I was and still do at times, have the same problem but one thing I did notice is that it has something to do with magnifying and de-magnifying the set. If I make it to big (as used to do in PV to make it show up bigger once published) does not work as well here. I am sure it is a programming glitch that hopefully they will look into. I also noticed that if I save a draft that I have enlarged too much, when I go back and open it, it is gigantic on the screen, so my theory is the reason some items disappear is the set is too large, if that makes sense. Anyway, my fix is to never enlarge the set too much and I haven't had the issue for a while. Although it still does magically enlarge after saving, closing and opening. Hope that all makes sense and can maybe keep it from happening until they can figure it out and fix it! ☺

  • Magazine Look

    @cindu12 Hmm, zooming in/out shouldn't affect the end results (finished set) - but we should take care that items don't go out of the square borders (because the publishing form is square). 😊

    For example, I'm using this frame to limit the size of my work space https://urstyle.com/shop/10110730 and I'm making sure that every item I want to add is inside the frame (just make sure to choose full background setting (middle option on cropping tool) for this frame if you want to use it). πŸ™‚

    Some items I'm testing can be on the sides, but I always delete them after I decide about the exact items I want to include in the set. What I noticed is that, after cropping an item, its position is reset and sometimes (when I zoom in the set, because my screen is not large) it gets hidden under the work space and it disappears. Maybe we can consider this too when making sets πŸ’

  • @cindu12 I noticed the same! In fact I tried to make a set without resizing and zooming, and it has been published as I made it! Instead, when I make a big one and a zoom out or when I made a small one and I enlarge it, the higher and the lower items I used disappear! I guess you're right, maybe it's a programmation bug. Hope it will be fixed πŸ™‚

  • Magazine Look

    @federica-m Hmm, that never happened to me πŸ˜• It's weird indeed, but I'm sure that URSTYLE team will take care of it as soon as possible! They have so much on their hands right now - many new updates are coming. πŸ’


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