Problem with drafts and publishing

  • Magazine Look

    @neverlandishome Hi dear! I'm so glad that my suggestion helped! 😊

    I've also seen the set that is smaller than the other (this one, I think: ). It seems like there's something in the right side of the screen that Editor tries to display by publishing a smaller set. It may be something white, so you cannot see it 😕

    Maybe you could try to enter the edit mode, go fullscreen (F11 or FN +F11) and try to zoom out the screen. I would try to randomly click on the white empty surface on the right to see if there's any misplaced white object. I'm not sure what else to try, since I cannot see much in the published version, but I will let you know if I come up with something 🙂

    Best wishes! 💖


    @vn1ta I just checked and there was nothing there, and there's no reason for it to be small. I'm going to possibly see if URSTYLE knows or something. I cannot let it stay like this, but thanks for your help.

  • Magazine Look

    @neverlandishome Okay, sure 🙂 Good luck! 🍀


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