
  • I'm not sure where to post this but anyway...
    I know there are loads of things we used to be able to do with collections (apart from organize, edit & delete) such as seeing collections in the editor, but one thing i really miss, and i do hope will come available, is being able to click an item, and to see the collections it was in.

    That's usually how i would find items, because it was so easy and there were so many to collect. In one collection there could be multiple items i would then right click and search through collections they were in and find more items and so on. (if that makes sense)

    It would be really cool to be able to have a tab under an item next to 'inspirations' that show the collections an item was in.

    I honestly love urstyle and how responsive they are to everything. They must have so much on their plate right now and they have done so much already. That being said, im so excited for the clipper, it's gonna make everything so much easier!!!

  • Polyfam

    i agree completely!! that's how i found 99% of my items on polyvore. i hope they will bring that feature back.

  • @littlewounds I'm hoping that after the clipper is finalized and working smoothly, that the next update features around collections cause it seems to be the next big thing everyone is hoping for. We just have to be patient because urstyle have done so much in such a short period of time and polyvore had 11 years on this site.

    heres to hoping ❤

  • I came here from polyvore, so i'm really new at this website! How do you make a collection? I tried to google it, but i couldn't find out.

  • @kennedy-smith To create a collection all you have to do it click on the item and there should be two buttons next to it, create and add to a collection. Click the second option and you can create collections.
    You kinda have to open the item in a new tab every time and do this process to create collections. You also can't edit or delete collections at the minuet but they are working on all these new features!

    hope this helps ❤

  • @kennedy-smith

    this thread is amazing for collection as there is a video tutorial if you're still stuck ❤


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