Now when I log in the site on my Samsung S10+......

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @wayfarer First of all, dear, if you read the full extent of this thread you would know that no one has exhibited what you refer to as a "sense of entitlement" feeling towards this site.

    The point that was made is we would be willing to pay a monthly subscription to help with the financial burden of running this site. I don't know if you are familiar with Patreon but I signed right up to gladly donate but there was a lot of promises made by signing up as a charter member that never came to fruition and a lot of people left as a result.

    So maybe before you assume that we are all ignorant of the time, effort, and financial responsibility that goes into running this site, try and understand that most of our fear and worry stems from living through the PV nightmare and it has left us all a bit leary due only, and I stress "only", to how poorly it was handled and the complete lack of the courtesy of communication prior to pulling the site right out from under us...

    Lastly referring to us as a "disease" is no way to get whatever point across you were attempting to make. It was just presumptuous and rude...

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @wayfarer Just wondering how long you have been a member of Urstyle, you have two followers and no sets?

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @ollie My guess is she/he/it is just someone trying to stir up things by responding to things they know nothing about.

    I personally blocked them and reported them, so doubtful they will have any further impact...

  • I probably shouldn't be surprised that most of you skipped merrily right past the point I was making, which ironically just proves it further.

    You are all acting like entitled children. You refuse to pay to support the site because it has problems. It has problems because y'all won't support it. See the cycle here?

    If you want to see the problems fixed, start paying. It's literally that simple. Getting upset when things break down, throwing your hands in the air and bitching on a forum, when you won't do the bare minimum to keep the site going, is entitlement of the highest degree.

    So change that. instead of griping about what everyone should do, put your money where your mouth is and start doing it. Otherwise, you're part of the problem.

    Lastly: Some of y'all were clearly offended by my disease metaphor. Again missing the point. #sorrynotsorry

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @wayfarer we can go around in circles blaming each other, but it's not going to help solve the problem. These are just suggestions. Take them, leave them. We're just trying to find solutions, but if you stay stuck in pointing fingers, there's no point in a dialogue

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @cindu12 I see you and others have covered many bases that I would have suggested. However, unless I missed this, there is something else to consider...

    I use a PC and once in awhile, when UrStyle isn't working, I check this website to see if the problem is on my end or theirs.

    I have found that when using a PC with a Windows Operating System, Google Chrome tends to be the most reliable browser for UrStyle, followed by Firefox.

    I do not use the App and it's the App seems to be an issue at the moment. Do I understand this correctly?

    Have you updated the APP and/or the browser?
    Have you cleared the Internet History/Cache including all "Cookies"?
    Are you using a mobile device?

    Can you access URstyle from a web browser directly, rather than using the App?
    If so, it's likely the App that is having an issue. And it MAY be that UrStyle is in the process of updating it and didn't let us know to expect problems.

    See if you can log in from a browser, not using the App. If you can, switch your view settings within the browser when using a mobile/wifi device (such as a tablet or IPad). There should be a way to select VIEW DESKTOP SITE when using a browser only.

    Again, I use a desktop because I like a large monitor. I also build websites. When building a website, the website has to be designed twice; one format for desktops, laptops and such, and another format for mobile devices, such as smartphones and some WIFI devices. The "mobile" version of the UrStyle may be under maintenance or, grrrrrr...... experiencing issues. This is why I suggest trying to access the Desktop Version from an Internet browser on the device you normally use, without opening the APP itself.

    Forgive me if you've tried this and I missed it!

  • Twisted Gypsies

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @wayfarer Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me that you may be a frustrated UrStyle founder/investor who is so freaked out by your lack of revenue that you can’t see beyond your own panic and frustration and therefore, completely missed where Users have stated that they are willing to pay for membership to this website. Why are you repeating yourself with a response that indicates that YOU clearly missed a point being made?

    You rant about what we should be doing and yet, there are no subscriptions offered for a membership to UrStyle, just a donation site, which is fine when looking to raise money for a cause, but it’s no way to run a business --- and it certainly does not insure those who donate of any formal membership and all a membership would entail (such as a well-run, stable website).

    The money UrStyle expected to make was from their ADVERTISERS, not their Users. <:‑|
    You are blaming the victims, and in a way, so are some of us. If UrStyle cannot financially stay afloat using their business plan (which did not include that their Users pay for anything), then UrStyle is suffering, too. With one person ‘manning’ the site (if I understood that correctly) while Damien seems to have scurried off to look for other financial opportunities, website issues can be expected. When Users are not informed by UrStyle’s administration (not by some coward hiding behind a new user profile – Ah... That would be you.) then Users questioning why the website is dysfunctional can also be expected.

    Users are not feeling entitled.🤣 They’re used to a functional website and are frustrated because what they were used to, and were led to expect, is not working as it should.

    Your ignorant remark about a “selfish community”, combined with your nonsensical statement: “The disease is most of you.” clearly shows that you want to create conflict rather than work toward finding a solution. This is not the behavior of a frustrated UrStyle founder/investor, which blows that theory. This is the behavior of a dysfunctional person, so in one way, it’s quite apt that you’re here spitting your poison.

    So, with my theory blown, I’m left to conclude that you are either a very immature person or you’re just an assh*le. Hmmm… Sorry (not sorry). There’s another possibility.... Perhaps you suffer from a mental illness, some kind of personality disorder, or a brain issue. If so, are you taking your meds? If not, then ironically, the disease is you, isn’t it?

    Being frustrated about a website not functioning as it should is understandable. Your kind of hatefulness is not. Why so angry? Maybe you are an investor… If so, your approach sure is a dumb way to ‘motivate’ Users to pay, especially considering that no formal payment options have been offered. 💸 Take off the dunce cap and give up on the whole “cycle” point.

    Again, the way UrStyle designed their business plan was to offer a free-to-use website while generating money from advertisers who were thrilled that Users were incorporating their products into their creations. Didn’t work out so well for you/UrStyle, it appears… No reason for you to be abusive to the Users. No reason for you to say anything at all if you can’t say it nicely. So that’s MY point. Besides the one on the top of your head, I do hope you can see it. 😘


  • Twisted Gypsies

    @emberviolet After checking this website to see if UrStyle is having an issue or if the issues is on your end ( you tell me that you got a message stating that Urstyle is down for maintenance and noted that others have access. This is likely due to the server that transmits to your area from UrStyle. That server (there's more than one) may be down (for maintenance) or may have been turned off to save money, leaving certain servers running at different times. I would be interested in where you and @cindu12 are located in the world, such as, if in the U.S., are you both in the same state?

    It may be that UrStyle is trying to stay afloat, perhaps even developing something that will help them generate money, and turning off servers at certain times/locations in an effort to distribute access to all Users some of the time. Maybe they're unable to afford to give Users access all of the time. If this is what's going on, it doesn't bode well...

    If you fear a shut-down, save your Sets by downloading the webpages they are on or opening their images in a new tab and saving the image.

  • The Art Factory

    Oh, I thought am I the only one not seeing individual sets.
    Can't see mine, can't see yours.
    I removed the cookies (PC) but nothing has changed. 😞

  • Color Schemes & Themes

    @funkyjunkygypsy I am in Massachusetts, north of Boston.

  • Hi Everyone, I’ve been communicating with @FunkyJunkyGypsy and wow is she helpful. I’m still have problems with the gray triangle and exclamation mark issue, but it’s not her fault. I did get a response from admin, but it was to open in another browser which didn’t work. More importantly, i wanted to post about their financial status. Their financials state this from 02/21/2021 :” Urstyle Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
    Urstyle Sp. z o.o. is a company based in Poland, with its head office in Poznan. The enterprise operates in the Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals industry. It was established on December 06, 2017. In 2019, the company reported a net sales revenue drop of 57.93%. Its’ total assets recorded a growth of 3.18%. The net profit margin of Urstyle Sp. z o.o. decreased by 90.3% in 2019.” It is obvious the pandemic has impacted them. I would say this is a cause for concern for this forum.

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy OMG, I LOVE YOU!! Your response was spot on and if that "person" knows what is best they will not challenge you or anyone again.


  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy I am in California in the bay area, roughly 50 miles from San Francisco 😎

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @jfcheney Wow, no wonder things have gone downhill. That is a significant loss for revenue but as we have been saying in just about every response on this thread, we, the users, would be happy to pay a monthly fee in order to help them generate maybe enough revenue to stay afloat.

    That seems a much easier alternative than having to shut down. The thought of losing this site gives me chills, I for one don't ever want to start this whole process over again...😟

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @jfcheney As I told you privately, the gray triangle issue is concerning. Makes me wonder if their website was hacked. Gray triangles suggest "weak RC4 encryption" which means vulnerability issues (on their end, not ours). I doubt they would tell us if they were hacked --- and who would want to hack them anyway? They need to have their webmaster work on that pronto ... if they can afford to. 😋

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @cindu12 I LOVE YOU, TOO! ❣ ❤ ❣

    I normally do not engage with idiots but to criticize people asking for help, and to do it in the way s/he did, is beyond wrong.

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy It is very strange. On my Samsung S10+ which is a fairly new model and all the software updates are up to date, but all I see are the grey triangles on there, whether I use Chrome or, if you can believe it, the app is actually working now, well it is coming up with content instead of the 503 message, but again, all grey triangles.

    Now on my tablet, on chrome, I can see everything just fine, and it is a much older model from Samsung, so no idea why the difference on the two devices, but I have to admit to myself that there is definately something a foot and it doesn't bode well that the communication has completely stopped.

    I hope this comes to a good conclusion for everyone, but I tend to trust your opinion on things much more than anything they may throw out occasionally.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, even though it was a bit daunting, I feel it is still better to know the possibl truth of things instead of being blindsided as we were with PV.

    Take care darling and have a wonderful weekend!! 💞💕💞

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy You were so smooth and were able to put into words everything I was feeling! Let's hope she takes the hint...

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @funkyjunkygypsy thank you! Exactly what i was trying to say 8 posts back. I think all but one of us is on the same page and we we're willing to take the solution of paying a monthly fee. I don't think I can go through this again and there are no Moodboard sites like URStyle. At least I haven't found any recently. I just feel so bad that it has come to this, but we were going by the assumption the advertisers were being charged and that was enough. So we can't act on information we don't have. I just hope we're not too late to turn this around.


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