Why is Ssense the default when I click on the shopping tab???

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    I am confused why Ssense is the default site when I click on the shopping tab next to the home tab at the bottom of the app?

    It even defaults to Ssense when I click on "shopping" from the side menu as well!! Am I missing something?

    Not only is Ssence a site I wouldn't shop at just because their clothes are hideous and over priced, imho, but everytime I see that site it is like fingers on a blackboard and a hard reminder of the way they treated all former Polyvore users.

    I love Urstyle and am a monthly Patreon so I cannot imagine why Ssense would be the default site for anyone who wishes to shop from here.

    I really hope it is a glitch and I am rambling for nothing...

  • @cindu12 I agree with you
    Ssence I would never buy their clothes they treated us like nothing less than nothing I regret so much polyvore good Sunday to you kisses

  • URSTYLE Team

    we are promoting SSENSE products in SHOP tab just to earn some commissions to pay bills for servers

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    Thank you for the clarification, although I am unhappy with your choice of sponsors.

    I do understand your need for funding but I also hope you can understand the feelings of former Polyvore members for the way we were discarded by these same people. It is a bitter pill to swallow...

  • Dollie🪻Divas

    @rosita Thank you sweetie and Happy Sunday to you as well!! xoxo


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