• Twisted Gypsies

    My Wishlist

    1. Collection Organization
      I'm really looking forward to the ability to move (via drag-and-drop) our Collections around so we can feature those most relevant or the seasonal ones at the top of our pages. And PLEASE don't overlook the ability to arrange the items within our collections!!! Once we have this feature, when in Create, we should be able to see our Collections in the order we have put them, rather than scroll through an alphabetized arrangement.

    2. Access to Liked Collections
      While in Create, why not allow us access to the collections we have Liked, since they're offered in the Item Organizer?

    3. Sets as Collectable "Items"
      I collect Sets made by others and have a series of collections based on theme (Steampunk, Wolves, Dolls, etc). When I 'Like' a Set, I'm unable to use the Item Organizer to move that set from Likes into a Collection, as it does not show up as a Liked item. Once in a collection, I'm unable to see sets using the Item Organizer. Perhaps there can be a category/tab within the Organizer to separate Sets from items, yet allow us the ability to collect and move sets easily.

    Thanks! 😍


    I would love for items that have been clipped by others to show up when you search for them in the create tool! I hardly use the search function now because of the difficulty in finding good items and need to take time to look through people’s items and collections to find things I want to make a set with! (This is the sole reason I take the time to name my items with my username or if it’s a fashion item, text, or a person!)


    Will it ever be possible to create "hiders" for text within the forums? Sort of like the "spoilers" function on other boards, where you can put text that only appears once you click on a button?

    I've attached screenshots to demonstrate what I mean!

    So in the forum post, you can see the "spoiler" button-
    alt text

    And once you click that button, the text you put inside the spoiler pops up-
    alt text

    Here's what the coding looks like-
    alt text

    alt text

    This is with a forum hosted by XenForo, I believe! Here's a version with BBC code:

    alt text

    alt text

    alt text

    Just something that we would love to have, of course, but urstyle is already wonderful without it!!!

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @funkyjunkygypsy Excellent suggestions!! I hate not being able to have control over my collections and the ability to arrange them like I want them to show on the page. I hope again and again this will be part of the updates!! 🤞 🤞

  • Set fashion, no follow

    Hello! I have one biiiiig suggestion ❤ Could you maybe with some new update add a possibility to see all your feed (it was called that way back when polyvore was alive, you had your feed with all the sets your followers made and liked), so you can appreciate all the creations? ❤ And also you could there add comments under them from main site, without opening every single set, so this would be a huuuge help here too ❤

  • Magazine Look


    A few of my suggestions:

    • ability to reorganize order of items in collections
    • ability to caption/put description under items in collections
    • ability to upload photos from computer/phone
    • for the system to disable repetition of titles (or to tell you that you wrote the same title as on another set) when you are publishing a set so that you don't accidentally name two sets the same

    Have a nice day!


  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o


  • Magazine Look

    It would be great if we could crop shapes.


  • @vn1ta Yes, please! That is a great idea! 🙂


    @ayzrules said in PLACE FOR SUGGESTIONS:

    Will it ever be possible to create "hiders" for text within the forums? Sort of like the "spoilers" function on other boards, where you can put text that only appears once you click on a button?

    I've attached screenshots to demonstrate what I mean!

    So in the forum post, you can see the "spoiler" button-
    alt text

    And once you click that button, the text you put inside the spoiler pops up-
    alt text

    Here's what the coding looks like-
    alt text

    alt text

    This is with a forum hosted by XenForo, I believe! Here's a version with BBC code:

    alt text

    alt text

    alt text

    Just something that we would love to have, of course, but urstyle is already wonderful without it!!!


    you guys ROCK!!!!

  • Polyfam

    this obviously isn't a quick fix but would it be possible for urstyle to reformat the way collections are made? it would be nice to be able to choose the order in which items show up in the collection and move pieces around instead of them staying stuck in place once added.

    also, it would be easier to make collections on the same type of page that sets are made rather than adding items on the specific item page or in the organizer. adding pieces via the individual pages is a lot of work and the items show up so small in the organizer. plus, if collections were made in the same page as sets, we could use the search tools to find pieces rather than just using what we already have uploaded/liked. it would also be possible then to filter by color (!!!), price, etc.


  • I would like if the uploaded items would be able to see in the searching for items in the create function.

  • Style File

    Thank you so much for adding the option to turn off the "likes" notifications in our settings! ❤ ❤ ❤ @debraelizabeth @admin

  • Decor Amour

    Fantastic news! Thank you very much!! @FashionMonkey @admin

  • Magazine Look

    It would be wonderful if we could see the (uploaded) item name (if not a link), instead of the "None" sign. Finding and managing items would be so much easier. Thanks in advance!


  • Cheap but Trendy

    @admin I have an idea for you. Way you can earn money on the site. Allow companies that fit the sites demographic to pay you to use the site to advertise. Maybe like a blog post. Or you run a contest using the company for a small reward for winner of contest.
    Polyvore did that with contests.
    Could be something to consider.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Collections Suggestions/Requests

    🦋 I would like to be able to see the Collections that my Sets are in, and everyone else's sets are in. Is there a way to do this currently?

    🦋 I would also like to see a list of Contest Wins per person. In other words, if I enter one of my sets for two different contests and I place in both contests, it would be nice to see, as I add that Set to my collection of Winning Sets, which contests the set has placed in. Any way to do that now?

    🦋 Oh, and when will we get the ability to arrange sets within our collections, as well as the items in them??? And the ability to rearrange our collections so they show up in the order we wish to present them on our Collections Page? That would be tremendous -- provided they also show up in that same order when using the CREATE Screen and the Item Organizer.

    Thank you!!!

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @admin Dear Admin, Two suggestions if I may please 1. It would be great to see some real art sets on the front Urstyle page. We have many talented artists in the community but unfortunately their sets never seem to get to the front page. Secondly, is there a a way to add collections to the Get Inspired page please? Many thanks Ollie

  • Velvet Night | goth alternative dark witchy vintage

    Something really needs to be done with clipping items that are apparently too small. I can't clip half-2/3 of the things I want to because they're 'too small'. It makes it really difficult to add anything, because even if you try to find a different source for the image, it's usually the same one.

  • Design Styles Defined

    @URSTYLE @admin the browser back buttons (I tested all of them) don’t return the user to the same place on the page that the user left. It would be really great if the back button returned to the same position on the previous (original) page. What happens now, instead, is that it takes us back to the top, so we have to scroll down to where we were to continue checking the rest of the page. I believe you can do that by using session storage. Thank you very much!


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