Create Board - Image/Item problems

  • Doll Group

    @vkevans Thank you. Seems there are a few creator/ cropper related issues for Chrome users.

  • @myrrael Thankyou..will see what happens over the next few days

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @vkevans Hi Dear, I also use Chrome and find I have intermittent problems but I do not know whether chrome is the cause or not??

  • @ollie Hi..yes, I am at a loss to explain why this is happening..unfortunately, it has stopped me from doing anything for the time being..(i think there was an update over the weekend).. whether or not this is somehow linked ...who knows. I'll just wait it out and see what happens next..

  • @myrrael , @Ollie so I have just tried logging in to URstyle site via "Internet Explorer" and "Mozilla Firefox" The problems with images missing does not occur in Firefox. (IE was still a problem) If you have browser Mozilla-FIREFOX on your desktop then it might be worth trying to use this temporarily. My draft sets that I thought I lost in Chrome are appearing in Firefox - 100% ok. Hope this helps.

  • Doll Group

    @vkevans Thank you! That's helpful information. πŸ™‚

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    I've noticed that I have lots of problems using my Chrome app on a mobile device and I've heard [read] from others using the same browser have ran into many of glitches. I can't stay away from chrome because they have the largest workspace for a touchscreen via mobile device. My best answer is to Screenshot all stages of your work or use another browser to publish sets with your clipped/imported DRAFT set. Hope this can help some V. 😘

  • Magazine Look

    Everyone who had a problem with the cropping tool - please clean your cache (instructions given here: ) and then check the Creator again. It should work well now πŸ™‚ Message me if the problem persists. πŸ’

  • @vn1ta Hi..

    1. I'm still having problems with Chrome...(I have followed your instructions to clear cache and data) and after clearing, logged back in to check my draft sets, yet the items are still "invisible" in the set. If I log in via firefox the draft set is there with all the items in full view.

    2. I have been using firefox for the past 2 sets I have had problems publishing these sets - Time for dinner and Make your retreat - they are publishing much smaller than how I see them on the create board. I see them as 100% but on publishing the image is only 50%.

    Hoping you can help with these 2 particular problems? Regards V πŸ˜€

  • The Story Corner

    I can't get a draft to save after I have more than about 3 items in the set! It just offers to let me download a back-up, but I really prefer my sets to show everything I use . I think I may stop creating till it settles as it is so frustrating... and before anyone asks..... I have cleared my cache !😏

  • Magazine Look

    @auntiehelen This may be happening because of weak Internet connection. I had a similar problem (10/1 Mbps - I will need to get a better one) πŸ˜‰

    As for the cache cleaning, I understand it may be bothersome. But it's necessary when admins apply new updates - if they won't show up on our page. Some items like ad-blockers and browser extensions are preventing automatic cache cleaning - admins are researching this issue.
    To be honest, updates on Polyvore used to arrive for weeks (until they reach all accounts) and we weren't notified about them, so I think that Urstyle is doing a great job, in all honesty πŸ˜„

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Dear, I have notified the administrators about your problems. Please continue to use Firefox until this is clarified. Please message me with update about your progress if anything changes (to better or worse) πŸ™‚ πŸ’

  • Magazine Look

    @luckied99 Hey dear, have you tried Fullscreen option for Mozilla Firefox on your device? It will give you a larger working space πŸ™‚


  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Dear, the admin checked your set and told me that you will need to crop your items because of their invisible background - they take up more space around them than the actual item size (check the screenshot):


    As for the invisible items - could you give me more details about that? Do you mean that your items won't load in Chrome? Please let me know πŸ™‚

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans P.S. Those gray rectangles (on the screenshot in my previous reply) mark how much space the item takes up - that is why your set was published smaller. You just need to crop your items to avoid this problem πŸ™‚

  • @vn1ta Thank you for this advice. When I make the next set I will make sure that I follow these instructions

  • @vn1ta This is what I see in Firefox--this is a draft set-- I will try and send another msg with the chrome version - at the moment I am stuggling with uploading the chrome version..v


  • @vn1ta ok this is what I see in chrome...If I select the 2nd box (on the right) I will see the picture of the sideboard.. but I do not want the white background feature. As you can see the top "crop" box is selected which means I should only see the sideboard, but instead I only see the grey outline. the items are there if I were to use the mouse and hover or click on the images, just not displaying.. Sincere thanks again for all your help so far !!! <3...In the end I might delete this set - as I am not happy with it completely- but it would be good to know what I can do to fix this problem if it occurs in the future. All the best.. v


  • @vn1ta.... I forgot to mention..I am unable to create new sets in chrome too, because I have the same problem (ie: items become invisible)..

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Thank you for your detailed responses and screenshots, dear πŸ™‚
    I would suggest to please turn off ad-blocker for Urstyle, if you are using one. It is possible that ad-blocker disrupts normal processes on the site, as most ad-blockers tend to do.

    As for invisible items , it happened to me just last night on Chrome (after saving draft in Mozilla)! Anyway, what worked for me was moving the scrollbar for item visibility (marked on the pic below). Please try this and let me know if it works πŸ’



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