URSTYLE on the news!

  • Don't worry! Be happy! ☺

    ooooo awesome! hopefully the publicity brings some new members to the site too πŸ˜„ congrats!! πŸŽ‰

  • Polyfam

    that's incredible news!! congratulations!! 🌟 it's truly remarkable how fast this site has grown and that is in no short part due to the amazing dedication and skill the creators & staff have shown in expanding urstyle to be the best it can be for its users. thank you endlessly in not only providing a substitute for polyvore but in pushing even further beyond that and creating a wonderful site for all of us to connect and express our own talents and creativity. i can't wait to see the site continue to grow and gain prominence for all that it provides πŸ’—

  • Doll Group

    Congratulations URSTYLE -Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hahaha What a feat! You are the best love Dianne xoxoxoxooxoxoxo ❀

  • WELL DESERVED! I am so happy for you. You should be acknowledged, You saved a lot of people and gave us a new home. Bravo!

  • Magazine Look

    What a great news!!! Congrats to the whole Urstyle team πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

    alt text

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    YESSS!!!!!! Grats you wonderfulawesome team!!! I'm so glad I found this place, and stuck with learning it. We appreciate all your hard work. Heartfelt thanks to each of you ❀ ❀

  • All Things Wedding

    Congratulations Urstyle, thank you for our new home, best wishing for your continued success, hugs!

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    πŸ˜±πŸ˜„πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ‘Fabulous job indeed. This is no surprise, as I envisioned and believed and still believe in this company from the beginning of discovering it from FB. I said it many of times to others that this site has "IT" way back in the beginning of April [first week or so of the migration...lol]. As an entrepreneur, my hubby and I said the 'migration' will be the mark for grand opportunities and the future upside to URSTYLE. This is why I have landed here a stayed.
    So HUGGGEEE congrats for not taking the easy ride and standing tall over all the technicalities as well as still rising to greatness. Coding for the draggable canvas alone to move at such speed and with so many users is a special development...so bravo to your team and many gracias πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜

    Sending much support, love, strength, laughter,hugs and lots of caffeine your way πŸ˜‚

    Cheers 😘 Kisha

  • Phenomenal news & I wish you ever success in the future; URStyle is amazing!

  • Style File

    How exciting!! Congratulations UrStyle team! You have been so wonderful in welcoming us former polyvorians to our new home. Thank you for everything!

  • Beauty, Fashion and Fun (BFF)

    i just read this. whoohoo. This such a win win, guys


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