UP TO NO GOOD. [ a marauders roleplay. ]

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    I know, obviously, that no one had Instagram in 1976. But honestly this is a geeky roleplay and we can do whatever we want. These people have magic. It’s fine. Just let me live haha.

    Sometimes I like writing comments of characters interacting, but since it’s still auditions, I won’t do that for this one 🙂 I would like to guess that her bio has been that hacked message for three weeks, and she certainly hasn’t noticed.

    The captions start at the bottom right and snake up like a real insta’s reverse chronological order.

    ˙·٠⋆ ϟ ⋆٠·˙


    sleepy princess

    tagged ⋆ Peter Pettigrew (this isn’t the model I’ll use for him, but I like this pic so sod off)
    location ⋆ none


    left these unattended with just potter on accident. naturally they’re too dangerous to drink now, so here’s at least a pretty pic of them

    tagged ⋆ Potter
    location ⋆ Hogsmeade


    looking for art as pretty as she is but can’t seem to find it

    tagged ⋆ Xenophilia Lovegood
    location ⋆ some rando London museum cba to pick one


    don’t drink and skate, kids

    tagged ⋆ Potter
    location ⋆ none


    mischief managed

    tagged ⋆ Potter, Black, Pettigrew
    location ⋆ Ur Next


    thx for the fish tank padfoot

    (ur the one laughing now but I’ll be laughing when ur brains are all over the street)

    tagged ⋆ Black
    location ⋆ Welcome to Hell


    original audition here

    I wasn’t sure where to post these, and since this is the only place with enters on this site, here it is🤷‍♀️ I will just be continually adding to them as I think of more.

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ As a werewolf, she has heightened senses. It’s part of why she is so good at cooking and baking (the smells always tell her a story), but it also makes her incredibly skittish around loud noises. They are deafening to her sensitive ears.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She is constantly bruised and covered in endless scars and scratches from all of her transformations. She doesn’t have any noticeable scars on her face (bc I think they would’ve been mentioned in Harry’s description of Remus), but they scatter in connected constellations across the rest of her body.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She mostly wears warm and cozy oversized sweaters.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ While she only needs glasses to read, she has broken so many pairs that she normally has to settle for squinting her way through. Her vision is not nearly so bad as James/Jamie, and she and Sirius/Celaeno often like to steal their frames and hide them in funny places.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She tries to be soft and kind, to make up for all of the things she is not when she is a werewolf.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ Her favorite person to sit next to in class is Lily/Linden, as they make silly remarks and puns together the entire time while still caring about the material.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ Sometimes she is in too much pain and just too tired from transforming to go to class. Remi was ahead of the studies when she arrived at Hogwarts because her father had begun teaching her at home, but these days, she spends many hours in the library teaching herself most everything.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ It is both handy and terribly annoying that she is capable of falling asleep absolutely everywhere. No one has told her that she often snores, but Padfoot has a wonderful impression of it.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ As she is terribly afraid of heights, she hates brooms and playing Quidditch. Don’t get her started on Padfoot’s flying motorcycle. She is going to far away from that for as long as she possibly can.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She is the queen of face painting for Quidditch matches. Just don’t sass her for taking so long or she will hex it to stay on for days and say something quite embarrassing indeed.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She either reads one book in three hours or three months.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ If something dangerous and against the rules is phrased as “an adventure,” Remus is infinitely more likely to partake in it.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ You may think she is sitting in the Common Room quietly reading, but she is secretly studying everyone around her, picking the next victim of their prank or plotting their next great heist.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She is always getting into the Ravenclaw Common Room because they have the best books and parchment, and she’ll be damned if all she has to do to get it is answer some riddle. It would be a welcome challenge for the door to ask her something actually difficult for once.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ As a prefect last year, she most certainly used her privilege against the professors and staff to cause even more problems.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ She was the first person to buy a subscription to the Quibbler. Xenophilia is the only person Remus trusts to edit her essays, and while they are not close friends like she is with the Marauders, they have an understanding with each other. Fellow outsiders are often like that. Even though Remi doesn’t necessarily believe in all the Quibbler says, she is more than happy to support Phee’s endeavors.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ Her favorite animal is the chameleon. She wishes that she too could change on command and when desired.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ Given her parent’s ability to travel with their professions and the necessity to move around a lot to hide her condition, Remus has actually traveled quite a bit. Her favorite place so far is Singapore.
    ⠀⠀⠀⠀ϟ Remus is almost always cold, especially her toes. While fuzzy socks often do the trick, nothing beats torturing someone by surprisingly putting her icy feet on their warm ones.

  • I forgot that if I comment on a set, no one gets notifications🤪 I sent out a little comment for everyone on your audition set, and now I have to tag you annoyingly here to let you know. Hopefully one day this is fixed haha. If you need an example for anything, my audition has moved to forum thread #33. Please make sure you all finish by Saturday☺


  • @lecoupdefoudre I loved all your extras...you have totally inspired me to do something more. Still nervous because I've never done RP in this way...so we'll see.

  • YOOOOOOOOOO. I did this in my last Harry Potter roleplay on Polyvore (rip). You can be two characters if you want, but you have to normally audition for both. Go crazy. You don’t have to. But you can. Yay. Whooo. Sorry I’m drunk on a beach but this is a serious announcement.




    ~ One Hundred Percent knows how to drive a motorcycle and not ever going to be ashamed of it
    ~ She’s a bad*ss chaser and everyone knows it. Growing up with three big brothers will do that for you
    ~ While yellow is her house color, she prefers Blue or Pink or really pastels of any color
    ~ Gets a witch fashion monthly box on the first of every month and it’s the highlight of her week usually
    ~ Can’t flirt to save her life which is why it’s so funny that so many people ask her out on dates to Hogsmeade
    ~ Knows several of the House Elves in the kitchen because she spends a lot of time studying in the kitchen
    ~ She is always so focused on taking care of everyone else and making everyone else happy, that she often winds up making herself sick
    ~ If she is truly upset about something you’ll discover your stash of sugar quills has disappeared
    ~ Baggy Sweaters are a thing that take up 20% of her trunk space and she knows it's a problem
    ~ She always carries around what seems like the entire Honeydukes inventory and she hands candy out constantly, people can always indulge their sweet tooth with her
    ~ Sweet and innocent she may be, she's also pretty good at poker and five card draw
    ~ She's incredibly skilled in potions which is probably why people always want Marlene to bartend for their secret parties, good potions skills make for excellent mixologists

  • The PACT a roleplay!

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    Nickname(s) ⋆ Bella[ By her sisters], Trix [ Rudolph] , Bell, Trickster

    House ⋆ Slytherin

    Occupation ⋆ Works in the department of mysteries but only to get confidential research for when she joins the dark side.

    Age ⋆

    Birthday ⋆ 8 May, 1954

    Birthplace ⋆ Great Britain, Cornwall

    Blood ⋆ Pureblood

    Gender ⋆ Female

    Sexuality ⋆ Straight

    Model ⋆ Taylor Warren

    Wand ⋆ 12¾", Walnut, dragon heartstring

    Patronus ⋆ Crow

    Amortentia ⋆ Licorice, blood, pumpkin spice, raspberry jam

    Boggart ⋆ Losing a duel to a mud blood


    • Dueling
    • Insulting
    • Potions
    • Lying
    • Growing ingredients that she uses in her potions

    Flaws/Weaknesses ⋆

    • She cannot let go of the past, holds grudges
    • Cannot show sympathy or feel empathy
    • She's very jealous and this causes her to feel insecure quite often
    • Her pride gets in the way of her happiness
    • Her bigotry and racism[ against non pure bloods of course]

    Personality ⋆ Bellatrix is spiteful, vindictive, stubborn and extremely manipulative

    Biography ⋆

    Top Three ⋆
    Narcissa Black
    Andromeda Black
    Rita Skeeter

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    Nickname(s) ⋆ Lils, Lily Flower

    House ⋆ Gryffindor

    Year ⋆ Sixth

    Occupation ⋆ N/A

    Age ⋆ 16

    Birthday ⋆ 30 January 1960

    Birthplace ⋆ Cokeworth, Midlands

    Blood ⋆ Muggle-born

    Gender ⋆ Female

    Sexuality ⋆ Straight

    Model ⋆ Alyda Grace

    Wand ⋆ 10¼", Willow, unicorn core

    Patronus ⋆ Doe

    Amortentia ⋆ Hot cocoa, real christmas trees, rosemary, that lingering smell of summer grass

    Boggart ⋆ X


    • Potions - a member of Horace Slughorn’s prestigious Slug Club, Lily has shown great talent in the gentle art of concoction. She is also a dab hand at Charms but she doesn’t like to brag.

    • Her kindness - Open minded, open hearted, Lily tries to see the humanity in all. She looks for those little glimpses of goodness, shining pebbles of softness.

    • Brave to a fault. Even should she lack the strength, Lily is a girl who will rise to any challenge. She’s not about to let anyone walk over her or her friends.

    • Communication - Lily can interact with all. Whoever it is, she can find a way to relate to them. Perhaps its her empathetic nature, perhaps its her natural warmth.

    • Loyal to her very core.


    • Holding others to the same high moral standards that she holds herself to leaves Lily exasperated. She cannot for the life of her understand why some do not approach the world the same way she does. Who in their right mind would happily turn over a warm world for a cold one?

    • She has a little bit of a chip on her shoulder. Perhaps it’s all that pent up tension but Lily constantly feels like she has something to prove. As such, ‘Mudblood’ becomes something that she desperately tries to separate herself from by any means possible. Did someone say “I’m scared of the future and I’m fighting with all my life to protect myself from the world”?

    • Pride can be a destructive thing. Lily knows her worth all too well. That’s why, as kind as she is, she would rather become gnashing teeth and claws before she let someone take her autonomous right to decency away from her.

    • Incredibly sensitive to sugar rushes. It’s a tough life being this sweet and apparently Lily’s taste buds can only go into overdrive when she tries, yet again, to have some sickly sweet treats from Honeydukes.

    Personality ⋆ Lily is a gentle girl. Everything she touches she does so with soft, forgiving fingers. Such fingers dance upon those she blesses, offering up her own warmth, kindness and never-ending loyalty to be theirs for the taking. She has far too much grace for a sixteen year old. Her actions are always purposeful and her words are always considerate. She will, however, stick up for herself. Her fuse, though not short, is easily tested, and it is only through years of self-control that she has managed to squash her anger into mere disapproval. Meticulous and neat, Lily’s recent friendship with the Marauders is a seemingly unlikely development. She is the class swot, every man’s best friend. But it is too simple to exist merely as this well manicured silk package. The Marauders test her...and she kind of likes it. While empathetic, Lily has always struggled with placing other people’s emotions before her own. It has become a commonplace thing for Lily to squash what she truly feels in place for the better good. She is good, so unbelievably good. But where does that lead her? Nowhere. Perhaps in this dark, dark world she needs to start being more selfish.

    Biography ⋆

    Little Lily Flower was born to a muggle family in the suburbs of the English midlands. She loved her parents and idolised her older sister Petunia.

    [⋆ The elegance and grace of the Earth tied in a silk package. Kindness never had an accurate definition until they came around.

    ⋆ Blood prejudice be damned; they would fight for anyone.

    ⋆ They don’t believe in destiny, despite the world crashing in on them, trying to say otherwise.

    ⋆ They would do anything to stop the future from coming so fast. While they are normally responsible, they are trying desperately to cling to the last few strands of innocence and childhood.]

    Top three ⋆ [Lily Evans], Gilderoy Lockhart, Severus Snape, Rita Skeeter

  • Here's Raine's IG! I'm gonna post some head canons soon!

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    - CAPTIONS -

    starts from the bottom (chronological order duh)

    {photo one} : If only this was how I look when I sleep.

    {photo two} : A stranger took this for me.

    {photo three} : "She thought the view was pretty. I thought she was prettier."

    {photo four} : meet my new friends

    {photo five} : classic selfie

    {photo six} : apparently my wand can make some pretty damn cool stuff


    ☆ Much to many people’s surprise, Raine actually liked learning in school. It was a way to keep her head focused on life.

    ☆ Spent many days at local bookstores adding to her own personal library.

    ☆ Better to be prepared than blindsided. That’s her motto.

    ☆ She loves that she’s a Vampire. She doesn’t get why it’s so weird of a concept for people to understand.

    ☆ Her bloodlust is extremely powerful. Sometimes it can take over her conscience if she goes too long without it. When that happens, she becomes powerful and will do anything to get blood. She is blindsided by the lust, she doesn’t even recognize anyone she knows personally.

    ☆ Being a vampire isn’t the only thing that makes her ‘unique’. She is very open about her sexuality and being apart of the LGBT+ community. She was apart of the LGBT+ Alliance when she was at Hogwarts.

    ☆ Her wand is the most precious thing to her..besides her bass. It’s the last part of her parents that she has left. It was passed down by generation.

    ☆ Lorraine’s mothers’ killer haunts her every waking moment. It’s the only thing in the world that can bring her to her knees. She trains every day to make sure she’s ready if she ever comes in contact with him.

  • HEY CUTIES! Don’t forget, auditions end tomorrow, xx.


    I am sorry to be tagging everyone for the millionth time, but there seems to be a little bit of a "glitch" on this site. I guess it's really more like a delay? Polyvore had this too with collection descriptions.

    Basically, from what I can tell, if you edit and update a forum post, it does not always load. Sometimes it even takes days to show your new information! If you have just updated something, urstyle shows the new version for like an hour...but then it reverts back to the old one. I am not trying to blame the website creators or seem angry. I just want to let you guys know!

    Basically, the conclusion of this is that: auditions ARE due today. That means, if you're updating your forum post, it might be better to copy and paste it into a new reply entirely, just so I don't wrongly think that you did not finish.

    Thank you for keeping up with all of my tags 🙂 Can't wait to begin!


  • putting my completed audition here but I’m struggling with getting my set image to appear here

    “whatever man, I’ve got detention with Minnie anyway”

    Nickname(s) * Padfoot
    House * Gryffindor
    Year * 6th
    Age * 17

    Birthday * 3 November, 1959
    Birthplace * England, Great Britain
    Blood * Pureblood

    Gender * Male
    Sexuality * Probably Bi but unaware
    Model * Timothee Chalamet

    Wand * 11 ¾ Redwood Dragon Heartstring
    Patronus * German Shepherd
    Amortentia * Basil, The Library, Warm Butterbeer
    Boggart * Being a fully accepted member of the Black Family

    Skills/Strengths * Transfiguration; Nonverbal Magic; Charms; Flying; Mischief; Party tricks & games; Muggle popular culture
    Flaws/Weaknesses * Opening up emotionally; Utterly reckless; Takes nothing seriously; Herbology; Giving up cigarettes

    Personality * angsty; full of emotions he doesn’t talk about; the life of the party; willing to do just about anything for his friends; protective streak; loyal to those deserving; full of sarcastic comments; act first think of consequences later; not one to be questioned or messed with; irresponsible; puts on a handsome brooding appearance for those he’s interested in

    Biography *
    Sirius was the oldest and heir to the Black family name and sat through years of hearing their beliefs, prejudices but none of it truly stuck to him the way it did his cousins. He likes to think that all their attempting programming and brainwashing failed the moment he and Potter shook hands on the Hogwarts Express, his life changed that day and yes it got harder but it got better too. His reaction was to respond to the Black family with counter opinions and for a time it worked out fine, but the treatment of Sirius by his family got worse. He’s not entirely sure how much longer he will last before they actively attack him and he has a plan to get out but how can he leave when his sibling is still there being brainwashed.
    Sirius has struggled so much attempting to stand up for what he believes is right but he’s only 16 and at times Sirius wonders if he even knows what he is doing. He trusts his friends though and he trusts his own instincts even when they lead him to chaotic outbursts and violence against the Slytherins who pick on muggleborns. Sirius wants to be a good person and wants to help stop the evil, it’s just how far is he willing to go.

    Top Three * Gideon Prewett; Amelia Bones; Marlene McKinnon

    Head Cannons

    • has gotten Professor McGonagall a Christmas present every year since his first; they have tea sometimes when he tells other he has detention
    • used to have almost every chocolate frog card but when he saw peter/petra was starting to collect them sirius started leaving them around for him/her to find and add to his collection
    • loves muggle films and music; only signed up for muggle studies because he thought they’d watch more films and listen to albums
    • can speak french after tutoring before Hogwarts
    • incredibly influential on what side dishes the house elves will make for meals after a lot of time spent in the kitchen
    • smokes cigarettes to get alone time from his friends; he also does it sometimes because he thinks it impresses girls
    • that motorcycle he’s been talking about for years originally started as magazines he collected to find muggle things to hang on his walls
      +looks best in black and leather but isn’t one to deny wearing Gryffindor red when he can
    • has horrible aim in quidditch which is why he plays keeper but Sirius won’t admit he’s awful at playing chaser
    • keeps all of remus’s favorite candies on hand at all times during the week leading up to the full moon and a few days after just in case
      +keeps in close contact with his uncle alphard who sent him the kindest letter when Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor

  • 0_1530377588710_107fed6f-837b-4c7c-a982-aa60e146d430_original.png

    I put my audition in google docs. in case it uploads wrong again, let me know if you can't view it!

  • The PACT a roleplay!

    link text

    I've had to redo this, it wouldn't save my updated one so i lost some info in my bio 😞 I will fix my bio later, i'm leaving to go to a party so I have to fix this when i get back.


    Nickname(s) ⋆ Bella[ By her sisters], Trix [ Rudolph] , Bell, Trickster

    House ⋆ Slytherin

    Occupation ⋆ Works in the department of mysteries but only to get confidential research for when she joins the dark side.

    Age ⋆22

    Birthday ⋆ 8 May, 1954

    Birthplace ⋆ Great Britain, Cornwall

    Blood ⋆ Pureblood

    Gender ⋆ Female

    Sexuality ⋆ Straight

    Model ⋆ Taylor Warren

    Wand ⋆ 12¾", Walnut, dragon heartstring

    Patronus ⋆ Crow

    Amortentia ⋆ Licorice, blood, pumpkin spice, raspberry jam

    Boggart ⋆ Losing a duel to a mud blood


    Growing ingredients that she uses in her potions

    Flaws/Weaknesses ⋆

    She cannot let go of the past, holds grudges
    Cannot show sympathy or feel empathy
    She's very jealous and this causes her to feel insecure quite often
    Her pride gets in the way of her happiness
    Her bigotry and racism[ against non pure bloods of course]

    Personality ⋆ Bellatrix is spiteful, vindictive, stubborn and extremely manipulative. She is power hungry,

    Biography ⋆ Bellatrix always knew that she was destined for greatness because of her family name and the power that comes with it, being the eldest sister of three, she had to set a good example for her two younger sisters and at times it was quite difficult because Bellatrix doesn't like to follow the rules and she doesn't like the fact that her sister Andromeda is growing closer to non pure bloods. She has never faced consequences for her actions, and the glory is eating away the last bits of morality.
    Every move she makes is a calculated power play, at this time in her life she feels invincible. After graduating from Hogwarts she got a job at the ministry of magic, working in the department of mysteries.

    Top Three ⋆
    Narcissa Black
    Andromeda Black

  • alt text

    I was struggling for a little bit with the character but I feel like everything kinda of fell into place? Please let me know what you think! and i'm sorry i didn't post this sooner ⭐

  • As I pretty much expected, there are many more girls than boys. I don’t care at all. I will send everyone with a canon pair a message soon with their thoughts on whether they will be reserving their character love interest or not. You are under no obligation to do so.

    Regardless of whether or not you have a paired interest, you are welcome to reserve anyone that isn’t in that scenario as a love interest. Please send me their model asap. This is all first come first serve in a private message to me, so I can organize it all.

    After three days, I’ll assign all remaining genders and models for continuity. If you just want to be someone’s friend or enemy, you don’t have to officially reserve them. If you have a gender and model in mind, you may message me, but if someone wants them as a love interest, they get that choice first. Once I’ve assigned things, that’s just how it is haha.

    Can’t wait to start! Does everyone understand if I say it’s now intro time? That’s a very Polyvore thing. I can explain if I need to. I’ll have events up in the next day or so.

    Whoooo here we go!

    Lorraine d’Eath — Raven Lyn
    Daisy Hookum — Kyle Kellogg
    Gilderoy Lockhart — Dylan Bell

    Alice Brewer — Amelia Zadro
    Marlene McKinnon — Karlie Kloss
    Gideon Prewett — let me know

    Remus Lupin — Sasha Kichigina
    Jamie Potter — Marina Nery
    Sirius Black — Ezra Miller
    Lily Evans — Esme Wissels
    Arya Weasley — Katherine McNamara

    Andromeda Black — Grace Elizabeth
    Bellatrix Black — Taylor Warren

  • For those of you that did not roleplay on Polyvore, intro sets are the place in which you plot ideas and future major events with the other playable characters. Even though set descriptions don't have enters, I think that it is best to still do the plotting in the comments, just so this forum doesn't get completely clogged. Then, for when you have decided what to do with everyone, you write up little summaries here on the forum. If you have a better idea, I'm always open to suggestions!

    As for now...



    Please comment your ideas HERE, ON THIS SET!

    g r y f f i n d o r

    JAMIE POTTER || Marina Nery || @bboles3984

    • Plot Ideas:

    SIRIUS BLACK || Ezra Miller || @grace-note

    • Plot Ideas:

    LILY EVANS || Esme Wissels || @buffykdh

    • Plot Ideas:

    ARYA WEASLEY || Katherine McNamara || @talismanic

    • Plot Ideas:

    s l y t h e r i n

    ANDROMEDA BLACK || Grace Elizabeth || @followyourbliss

    • Plot Ideas:

    BELLATRIX BLACK || Taylor Warren || @expiredsunshine

    • Plot Ideas:

    h u f f l e p u f f

    ALICE BREWER || Amelia Zadro || @bloodystilinski

    • Plot Ideas:

    MARLENE MCKINNON || Karlie Kloss || @punkette123

    • Plot Ideas:

    GIDEON PREWETT || tbd || @monkeymanda22

    • Plot Ideas:

    r a v e n c l a w

    LORRAINE D'EATH || Raven Lyn || @filthysoul

    • Plot Ideas:

    DAISY HOOKUM || Kyle Kellogg || @agentdanascully

    • Plot Ideas:

    GILDEROY LOCKHART || Dylan Bell || @lonaxos

    • Plot Ideas:

  • Alright so here's my intro set!



    My intro set is HERE

    g r y f f i n d o r

    REMUS LUPIN | | Sasha Kichigina | | @lecoupdefoudre

    • Plot Ideas:

    JAMIE POTTER || Marina Nery || @bboles3984

    • Plot Ideas:

    SIRIUS BLACK || Ezra Miller || @grace-note

    • Plot Ideas:

    LILY EVANS || Esme Wissels || @buffykdh

    • Plot Ideas:

    ARYA WEASLEY || Katherine McNamara || @talismanic

    • Plot Ideas:

    s l y t h e r i n

    ANDROMEDA BLACK || Grace Elizabeth || @followyourbliss

    • Plot Ideas:

    BELLATRIX BLACK || Taylor Warren || @expiredsunshine

    • Plot Ideas:

    h u f f l e p u f f

    ALICE BREWER || Amelia Zadro || @bloodystilinski

    • Plot Ideas:

    MARLENE MCKINNON || Karlie Kloss || @punkette123

    • Plot Ideas:

    GIDEON PREWETT || tbd || @monkeymanda22

    • Plot Ideas:

    r a v e n c l a w

    DAISY HOOKUM || Anniek Kortleve || @agentdanascully

    • Plot Ideas:

    GILDEROY LOCKHART || Dylan Bell || @lonaxos

    • Plot Ideas:
  • The PACT a roleplay!

    comment here: https://urstyle.com/styles/1716977

    g r y f f i n d o r

    REMUS LUPIN | | Sasha Kichigina | | @lecoupdefoudre

    Plot Ideas:
    JAMIE POTTER || Marina Nery || @bboles3984

    Plot Ideas:
    SIRIUS BLACK || Ezra Miller || @grace-note

    Plot Ideas:
    LILY EVANS || Esme Wissels || @buffykdh

    Plot Ideas:
    ARYA WEASLEY || Katherine McNamara || @talismanic

    Plot Ideas:
    s l y t h e r i n

    ANDROMEDA BLACK || Grace Elizabeth || @followyourbliss

    Plot Ideas:
    h u f f l e p u f f

    ALICE BREWER || Amelia Zadro || @bloodystilinski

    Plot Ideas:
    MARLENE MCKINNON || Karlie Kloss || @punkette123

    Plot Ideas:
    GIDEON PREWETT || tbd || @monkeymanda22

    Plot Ideas:
    r a v e n c l a w

    LORRAINE D'EATH || Raven Lyn || @filthysoul

    Plot Ideas:

    DAISY HOOKUM || Anniek Kortleve || @agentdanascully

    Plot Ideas:
    GILDEROY LOCKHART || Dylan Bell || @lonaxos


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