TIDE POOLS ✰ A Roleplay

  • Name: Hallie Stins
    Age: 21
    Role: Investigator
    Model: Gabriella Brooks


    Name: Lili Takahashi
    Age: Twenty - Two
    Model: Rina Fukushi
    Role: Evidence Woman

  • So I'm having a bit of a model struggle. All of the Mamma Mia commercials make me really want to use Lily James because her pictures from the movie will be perfect but I feel like I shouldn't😭😭😭 So I will say her for now, with a possible change-up? **** this also means I’m open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea haha ****

    Name: Rowan Burres
    Age: 26
    Role: The Photographer
    Model: Lily James


    Hey, Are you still looking for members or not so much? I'm trying to get back into the groove of things so I figured I would ask

  • @punkette123 Yes definitely! Sorry I'm just getting back to you, this is my first ounce of free time.

  • :):):) sorry this has taken a while, aud shall be up shortly.

    Name: Henry Cabidis
    Age: 22
    Role: The Sceptic
    Model: Vito Basso

  • @lonaxos *** cannabis

  • Rowan Burres Audition

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    Since I am in love with “enters” and can’t keep track of anything in set descriptions, here is my audition info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Lz5veEkkEWhfuMhbVwazcnhppFXqRZyf3iwZ0q2_0U

  • @ayzrules @Followyourbliss @agentdanascully @filthysoul @bloodystilinski @spoileralxrt @lecoupdefoudre @Punkette123 @lonaxos Hey all! I'm loving the auditions so far. Bless Raegen's audition for reminding me of this - I'm actually going to be posting my character's audition information on http://freetexthost.com/ so everything doesn't all clump together (and probably stories til urstyle hopefully adds breaks in text) so feel free to do the same! Just put the link in the set description. I also am going to end auditions this Friday (6/22) at 9 pm EST so if that doesn't work for you message me and we can work something out!

  • @spacelava hey lady

  • This post is deleted!

    here's mine! lmk if anything needs to be changed 🙂
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    ☽ CHRSTINA "TINA" LI, 28
    Occupation: gossip columnist (Tina prefers the term "journalist")
    hometown: Los Angeles, California
    Schooling: Tina has a bachelor's in journalism
    Studies Focus: majored in journalism, minored in Spanish

    Extracurricular Activities: shopping, she's actually very well-read and loves satire and literature sprinkled with dark/deadpan humor (despite what most people may think, given her occupation), dabbles in writing (rather sarcastic) poetry every once in a while, shopping, refreshing various news websites 20000 times a minute, shamelessly binge-watching shows targeted towards a much younger demographic (W.I.T.C.H. and various other cartoons/animes come to mind-she's quite a sucker for Sailor Moon and Madoka Magica as well), shamelessly binge-watching cheesy rom-coms and just feel-good movies in general, shopping, scrolling through look books and couture collections while pretending like she can afford those clothes, shopping, pretending like her life isn't a mess :^), shopping, and oh-did I say shopping?

    Reason for being in Seaside: Because a whole slew of famous, swoon-worthy surfers and their significant others and their fans and even the occasional model or celebrity or singer are in Seaside for this competition, and there's be bound to be drama that unfolds. And you know that ya girl is gonna be here to see it all...and get it plastered on the front page of L.A.'s most infamous tabloid, too.
    Belief: Tina's pretty firmly on the skeptic side, but she's definitely willing to listen to both sides of the story...if only so that she'll have something for her story
    Role: I couldn't really figure out one for her....? She's just here for the drama, honestly
    Driving Force: Tina's never been one to turn down a good story. Long story short, there's bound to be plenty of gossip and/or drama surrounding this whole thing, and plus a bunch of surfers who are famous in the L.A. crowd. When the people in charge of the tabloid she works for asked her to go down to Florida and check it out, how could Tina possibly say no?

    Likes: talkative "sources", getting a scoop before anyone else, her job, gossiping, witnessing celebrity drama first-hand, fruit smoothies, sweet foods, strawberry milkshakes, glitter/sparkles, pop music (especially of the "trashy" variety), her hot-pink car, social media, strawberries, Starbucks fraps (even though they are so bad for you), high-heels, lip gloss, nail polish, make-up in general, short skirts, organization, sparkly pens, colorful planners and sticky notes, choker necklaces, hoop earrings, yogurt-covered pretzels, froyo, bubble tea, perfectly color-coded anything, her very extensive network of informants (who happen to come from all walks of life, thank you very much), her work being appreciated (it's not an easy job, grabbing the attention of these people when they literally have the attention span of a goldfish!), being recognized for her journalist skills, dry humor and satire (she was in a huge Lu Xun phase for a while, but she's found that she's in more of a Osvaldo Dragún phase, nowadays), cute purses, dresses with pockets

    Dislikes: when college guys hit on her because she literally looks ten years younger than she actually is (and especially when they won't back down when she tells them she's almost thirty!), being looked down upon because of her job (hey, a tabloid isn't the Washington Post or New York Times-level journalism, but she's still a journalist!), when people just won't tell her what they know (no matter how much she begs and pleads and bribes and blackmails), people who think she's stupid because she likes gossiping and make-up, shitty airplane food, superhero movies (there are so. Many. Plot. Holes. Which is a bit rich, coming from a gossip columnist like her, but still), those annoying bougie vegan hipster restaurants that serve spirulina-infused magical algae (like, seriously-what is she, made of money?!), being seen in public in sweatpants (it's not like this would ever happen though, of course), sneakers (they're kinda...ugly, if you think about it. Heels are way better), L.A. rush hour traffic (fuck that shit), when people tell her she needs to swear less, when people feel like they can tell her what to do in general

    Personality: Scathingly sarcastic and stunningly irreverent, Tina Li may have found herself the perfect job when she became a gossip columnist. Indeed, Tina is rather shallow (and she's perfectly aware of this, thank you very much), as her life basically revolves around whether Generic Female Actress was dating Attractive Male Singer or not-and whether or not she could get a good story out of it. She has a dry, tongue-in-cheek sort of humor that is (more often than not) not kept "in cheek". At all.

    Although she has a critical and rather cynical outlook on life in general, Tina is usually quite talkative and outgoing. Her cheerfully wry (if slightly sarcastic) disposition is well-liked by her peers, even if they do make fun of her for disturbing habit of sprinting after celebs after they've gotten into cars. In 6-inch heels.

    Tina is also too curious for her own good-she's been known to follow a lead past the point of sanity. She loves drama and she loves gossip, and what brings more drama and gossip than a good ol' fashioned celebrity scandal? Flippant and impulsive, Tina is full of sarcastic qups and has an unfortunate tendency for making smart, snarky remarks at exactly the wrong times.

    Despite her sharp tongue and dry humor, Tina is naturally people-smart and possesses a sharp intelligence and an ability to analyze all sorts of problems and situations in the blink of an eye. She is a natural-born diplomat and compromiser, capable of expertly mediating tense situations with her blunt matter-of-factness. She has a brisk, breezy way of going about her business, and she is remarkably good at keeping track of and managing people, for all her sparkly (and gossipy) ways.

    Tina is always prepared for everything, be it a slew of paperwork or a broken nail (and if she herself doesn't know how to fix it, there's a 99% chance that she knows someone who can). Although she's quite flighty, Tina very talented multi-tasker-she can apply sparkly pink eye shadow while reciting exact date that some famous actress or the other hooked up with their current boyfriend, broke up with their current boyfriend, got back together with their current boyfriend, and broke up again with the same boyfriend while operating a motor vehicle (which is quite an impressive feat in L.A. traffic!). Tina has a talent with faces and names and picking up teeny-tiny signs-if you give her even the slightest clue, the tiniest hint, Tina will have the truth out of you. She is most certainly not as ditzy as she (sometimes) comes off as, and before you know it, she'll have the name of the mysterious woman GoodLooking MaleSinger was making out with at the club last night, her address, if she likes Pepsi or Coke, her phone number, her Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter usernames (and maybe even the passwords), and (probably) her social security number out of you just like that.

    +Determined, optimistic, analytical and observant/perceptive, spunky and spontaneous, vivacious
    -Kind of annoying, impulsive, a bit shallow and superficial, silly, slightly ridiculous, really extra

    Bio: Christina Li grew up in Los Angeles, California, and she's lived there for practically her entire life. Her childhood was pretty standard-dad, mom, annoying younger brother, equally (if not more) annoying older sister, et cetera, et cetera. Tina wasn't a star student, but it's not like she flunked out of school, either, and she had a great time as a cheerleader during her high school years, even if the thought of one of those handspring-handspring-handspring-round off-back tuck sequences makes her joints ache nowadays (her grandma would laugh at her for being over-dramatic about "achy joints", but Tina would beg to differ-cheer and gymnastics really fuck up your body, and she's not being over-dramatic!).

    Tina went to college in California, too, and she majored in journalism (and minored in Spanish), dreaming of becoming an undercover investigative reporter-like the muckrakers, back in the day (in fact, Tina loves Upton Sinclair and the whole investigation of meat-packing plants that went on in the early twentieth century). However, as time went on, Tina realized that getting a job at the L.A. Times was not as easy as she thought it would be. Sure, she had internships and wrote for the school newspaper and graduated from college, but so did everyone else trying to write for the L.A. Times.

    So instead, Tina took her career in journalism in a markedly different direction-tabloids. After graduating from college, she accepted a position at one of L.A.'s most infamous tabloids, and she has worked there for a good six or seven years now. It's not a bad job-in fact, Tina quite enjoys it-but it's not NYT-level journalism, either. But hey. It could be worse, and all the annoyed celebrities aside, Tina loves her job...and more importantly, she's good at it. Give her the tiniest tidbit of information, the merest speck of a rumor, and she'll spin it into a salacious, headline-worthy story in the space of ten minutes. Celebrities may hate her for it, but hey, a girl's gotta eat. Tina also prides herself on having a very extensive network of informants, from the hairdresser at one of L.A.'s most trendy salons to the manager of the local McDonald's.

    When Tina's boss caught wind of the fact that one of the most popular "it" girls of Hollywood would be taking to the waves in Seaside, Florida, along with a slew of lesser-known celebs, he sent Tina straight down there to, well, basically follow them around and find something to make a scandalous, newsworthy story of. Tina doesn't mind-it's a free trip to the beach, really, and she would appreciate a break from the atrocious L.A. rush hour traffic.

    Although Tina's life is a veritable whirlwind, one thing's for sure: if you need the latest insider celebrity gossip, Tina's ya girl. No matter who, what, when, where, why, or how, Tina's always got the scoop. The credibility of aforementioned "scoop" may be a bit...questionable, but hey, that's just schematics. Beggars can't be choosers, yeah?

    Model: Xiao Wen Ju
    Taken by: @ayzrules



    So I just saw the reply now and I don't want to audition for a role when everyone else has so I figured for now I would just create a character and discuss with you

    Name: Adeline Wright
    Age: 22
    Role: N/A
    Model: Karlie Kloss

  • @mint guess who finally has a character idea! 😉

    Name : Henry Holloway
    Age : 21
    Role : The Sceptic
    Model : Ezra Miller

  • 🐚 My baby boy is complete.

    His bio is ~ m e h ~ but I wanted to get him done before inspiration slipped awaaaaay.

  • @lecoupdefoudre i luv rowan btw

  • @agentdanascully I know how to find ur set so I will just do that but jsyk the linked title isn’t working 😞 Can’t wait to read him💕💕 And thank you! I was also rushing her to get the inspiration out before it died lol but wow so happy to be making characters again


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