• Dollie🌼Divas
    I did an edit on this set and when I published it, half of the items are gone!!! I spent hours making this doll and I am not very happy right now with this site! How can that happen??? I would really like my set recovered!! HELP!!!!

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    OMG! This happened to me one time! I re did it. Good luck!

  • Urstyle Haus of Dolls

    This happened to me too! When I was working on a draft set, I hit save and half the items were gone. I took it as a sign to redo it. Hopefully your set gets restored! GL!

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Hi Dear, I'm so sorry this happened. Making Sets is very labor intensive and time consuming so I understand your frustration. Maybe URStyle has a way of retrieving your original Set. If not, this suggestion may or may not work, but go into your Items Page and make sure the Items that are missing on your Set are still in your Items Page. Report it to URStyle if they are not there. If they are, go back into Create and put in the Items that were missing back in your Set and save each one as you add on. Yes, it's a total pain, but I can't think of any other way to get the original Set you created back.

    I've had glitches come up on the Create Page where the cursor freezes on one Item, the cursor won't select them at all or the anchors on the Items won't show up. I save my Set items often just in case this happens so I can pick up the set in the Save Draft. There's also a Refresh button off to the top left you can press to reset the Page. I know, the horse has already left the barn but just for future reference. I hope you can get this resolved.

  • @cindu12 Oh no! How upsetting!

  • The Story Corner

    Oh that is awful , Cindy. But I noticed a strange thing before the items vanished. There was a lovely little bird cage, and I thought "I'll have that!" But when I went to put a like on it, it wasn't with the items at the side of the set. I went through them again to make sure I hadn't just missed it and that's when I noticed there was no doll head there either! So it looks as if the items you lost weren't on the used items even when they were showing in the set! Isn't that strange? I do hope you get your lovely set back😞

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    Thank you everyone so much for all your sugestions and advice. I went in this morning and re-added every single item and hit save changes and it still was missing all the items. I verified they are in my likes so I have no idea why this is happening. One interesting thing I did notice that in trying to recreate the set when I would edit it and hit save, the item I had just added was gigantic and I had to resize it by shrinking it little by little so there is definitely something in the programming that is not right. Let's hope someone who can fix this looks into it. In the meantime back to the drawing board to start over.

    I hope this does not continue, I am just starting to like this site and learn it but if the programming glitches are not addressed and fixed, I won't stay. Not worth 2-3 hours of my time making a doll set that will not publish properly...

  • The Story Corner

    @cindu12 I did a quick tests set to check out if there was something about that particular item (the doll top half) , but it published all right and it appears in the items at the side. It is indeed a mystery what has happened to yours. I hope they can retrieve the set for you.💕

  • Dollie🌼Divas

    @auntiehelen Thank you Helen dear. I think it is a bug in the editing tool after the set is published and if you enlarge the set it seems to effect the set. Anyway thanks for the help so much dear, very much appreciated! ! ℋugs💐

  • The Story Corner

    @cindu12 😕Oh that is a shame ! But at least you managed to repair your delightful set !!💕


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