My sets downloaded as a folder of Jpegs, not a zip file. How can I upload them to my profile?
Thanks -
@rue926 Just pack them with winrar.
It's not working and I've been waiting a couple hours...
Hi @olivpear, I only want to know if this system has a Clipper like Polyvore have. If so, please tell me how to get it and how it works clipping images from other websites. Thank U, eclat
@emcf3548 Please just let me know how do you clip new items since pv doesn't send us elements we used .. Is there a Clipper Tool here?.. Thank you!
@eclat you have to go to ur profile page and click items
go to item and right click
click copy image address
come back to page and click add items button
[right click and paste in URL
click send
then u may have to refresh page to se if image or item was added -
@emcf3548 ohhh... you replied so quickly.. thanks a lot, my dear.. I don't know if I'll success, but your explanation is perfect... Wish me luck! See you
@eclat I had a few problems at first all to my own fault but it works good luck but let me know I have added quite a few items
@emcf3548 ok, my dear.. now I can't test clipping, but tomorrow I will let u know... thanks a lot... Sweet dreams!
@eclat ok have a good one
Thanks to Urstyle I have all my Sets that i create in 8 Years on my Account. Thank You so much!!!! They are save and not gone....
Do I have to stay on that page for up to an hour or am i allowed to click off of it? I did it last night but after I uploaded the zip i clicked off the page and today there are still no sets. sorry if this is super obvious!
Also thank you for being so welcoming to us polyvore users xx -
@rue926 I had this issue initially. When you download it- the entire file should be in either a zip file or a big folder. You want to upload the entire folder-not just sets, i believe. If, like me, it wasn't sent in a zip and just a folder- I found the best way to combat this is If you have an account like drop box you can have a section of your computer where you can move the files directly. So if you have a folder on your computer like this: you'llbe able to move it to the drop box section circled. Then Once the folder in in dropbox you'll be able to compress it to create a zip file. You can then upload it as it's on your computer. [0_1523883698473_Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 13.36.46.png]( Shot 2018-04-16 at 13.36.46.png)
Hope this helps xx! -
@rue926 Just realised the images didnt work- so heres the links. Image 1 and image 2
Thank you so much!!! Im so happy!!!!
@olivpear Hi! I can't upload my polyvore profile, I have tried it since past saturday. What can I do? Thank you for your time.
@mluisag Hi!, Polyvore did not send the drafts, only sets. Sorry.
I keep getting the "Looks like your connection to URSTYLE was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect" message while trying to import
I can't explain how happy it makes me to see that after the hard loss of Polyvore, You've pulled us under you wing and helped us find our old sets and style again . Thank you .
Is there any way you can work on letting us upload our collections as well?