Dear POLYVORE Users! 🔥
Hi @olivpear
please, you can try improve the technique of trimming items, would be just great, to trim items with ease, straight and without those gray lines at the end of trimming. I think, it eased the process of creating a set. Here is an example: how it looked on Polyvore I would be very grateful, if you would consider this possibility. And it would be wonderful to also add a category of text, where there would be different fonts, that we could use in the set and edit. Here's an example:
On polyvore, when someone liked a set, on polyvore likes were counted automatically. Here shows not the number of sets and their name. And when there is a large number of liked sets need time all to count. It would be really great to add these features in the near future. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your great work, for your efforts and help, to make us feel good here. You are very kind and do a wonderful job! Best wishes, Danielle.
Hey! Thank you so much for being responsive and for trying to give us poly refugees a new home! One suggestion that I haven't seen made yet would be a way to edit collections (such as removing images or rearranging them). So if you could maybe think of adding that to a future update:) I know you guys are trying hard to add as many new features as you can which I super appreciate!
Hi, new comer from polyvore here, just wanted to know if there are directions on how to upload old sets? I'm trying my best to figure this all out. Thank you so much! -Nikole
@alovelylamb I think you want this thread? -
The site is incredible! Thank you for the work. But I'm having a serious problem, I'm weeks trying to import my sets of polyvore . It says that it loads and soon it will appear in my profile, but until now nothing. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Please help me!
hey! i was wondering if you'll make a clipper tool as well? thanks!
@followmiiin just PM to us and we will help you with imports
@Heather-Marie-Awan yes, it will be available very soon -
Thank you so much for getting us ladies back to making up our sets. When Polyvore finished I thought what will I do now, a friend told me about URSTYLE and I am so happy with it. At some time will you be doing frames for us to put round our outfits and also animals and flowers. I appreciate all the hard work you are doing for us ladies. Once again thank you so much.
im so grateful for the creation of URSTYLE!! is an app a possiblity for the future? i would love to have this on my phone
How do I import all my Polyvore stuff? I still haven't received any emails from Polyvore/Sense with the sets I created. Not sure what to do
I requested my stuff over a month ago now I think.
I am excited and HAPPY with the updates so far. Outside of the things I know your team is working on, I am waiting for a cutting tool similar to Polyvore. It was heaven. Here is an example: [](link url)
I can not import my old Polyvore profile
@luana-isidoro Please contact me directly: [email protected] and I will help you with your sets' upload
Hello! Is the Polyvore import allowed even now? I heard it was only for 3 months ago. If so, is there anyway to contact SSENSE?
Hi! I loved Polyvore, and I am happy to see this website growing to be even better! If I may, I'd have a suggestion to make... perhaps when everything is set as planned, maybe you guys could look up into making a tool on Chrome or other servers for us to import pieces of clothing from other websites to add to the catalog and our own. Polyvore had that feature (Polyvore Clipper) and it was really a difference! I used to enter different web stores and would save my favourite clothing pieces to the catalog. It's a nice way to make us help the website grow even bigger! Anyway, I'm loving it so far, just a suggestion
Did you mean that?If I'm not mistaken, there is a clipper now for every browser.
@myrrael haha, yes! Sorry, I didn't knew about this. I tried looking it up but found nothing. Thanks tho!!
@annacgodoy No problem! Never hurts to ask
Having done almost exclusively art sets, I was wondering if URStyle would ever add an art section? I see fashion, beauty, and home, but not really art support. URStyle is definitely my favorite platform, nor can I find anywhere with art support. So I was wondering if y'all were going to add that?
Just found this and am beyond words! I have missed Polyvore and have found an even better version. I just uploaded and beamed when I saw my sets, but I was wondering if we are going to be able to import the items we saved. I have so many items saved from my Polyvore account and wanted to know if that is a possibility for the future?