❄️ Twisted Gypsies Winter Holiday RETROspective Contest Enchanted Art Challenge ❄️
Don't ya hate when an item looks transparent and then fills in with a white background? All that cropping to get it just right... and depending on the item’s shape, it can be extremely frustrating. Same for items on gridded backgrounds. And what about an item within an image, one you'd love to use without all the busy background but just can’t clip properly? Just as frustrating. Sometimes more so.This contest is not about the best use of an item or Sets that follow a one specific theme.
This is the second-to-last contest in our year of using The Enchanted Art Technique and it’s all about taking your creations to THE NEXT LEVEL using a graphic tool not offered on UrStyle. Some of you may already be using it and in love with it. This fast, free, easy to use program requires no log-in, sign-up, or any information be entered, not even your UrStyle info! Sit back and watch it quickly and easily remove a variety of distracting backgrounds. In seconds, it creates transparent PNGs in perfect sizing for you. Just download each png with one click; and voila! They’re on your device and ready for you to upload to your UrStyle account!
Your PNGs can then be uploaded to your UrStyle account under your “Items” tab.
Add Items and then simply use them in your Sets.The images you upload can then be cropped in square, retanglular, or circlular shapes without being exact about item edges.
All space surrounding the item will now be clear, and, if cropped closely, “invisible space” will no longer overlap outside of your frames, leaving your Sets large and in charge!! YAY! READY?!?!
I will first explain our very open-ended theme because, certainly we must have one to make it fun!
This will be immediately followed by entry and judging details, as there is a lot of creative leeway here! -
Then I will give you a link to instructions (written in a separate post) explaining how to remove backgrounds from the items offered in our Item Collection. Those of you already familiar with the program can disregard everything but the instruction to NAME YOUR PNGS with your UrStyle User Name when uploading them.
Contest Theme
Our theme this month is:
️ Winter Holiday RETROspective
It encompasses November, December, AND January Holidays. You may interpret that any way you wish.; Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Kwanza, Christmas, Winter Solstice (You can now finish those Drafts!), New Years, any Winter Celebration you wish... Any event in the months of November through of January goes!Keep in mind that this is a RETROspective.
Therefore, give your entries a vintage touch. There’s some pretty funky old stuff and some quirky newer things for you to use. Many can be mixed and matched. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you use at least one item featured in our Winter Holiday Collection -- after the background is removed.Entry and Judging Details
New Sets only, this time around.
As usual, no Fashion or Beauty Sets.
Multiple Winners Awarded by Category (Mystery Guest Judge’s Choice)
Retro Holidays means: Vintage
Many vintage items found throughout and mostly at the bottom of the Winter Holiday Item Collection and all can be incorporated into a variety of themes! -
Once your background is removed, images from the Winter Holiday Item Collection, do not have to be the focal point of your Set. They should be "used" in your Set as they might be used or displayed in real life, or reasonably (and recognizably) "re-purposed" by placing them in an unexpected spot. For instance, the reindeer door knocker can be hung as a towel rack in kitchen or powder room, provided it remains recognizable.
You may submit as many Sets as you like and use as many Collection Items as you like within your Sets.
Featuring one Collection Item in a Set gets the same consideration as a Set with multiple items.
Creating one large item, such as a wreath, gets the same consideration as an intricate scene.
Indoor and outdoor scenes loved just as equally.
Same for Night or Day scenes.
You may submit Dolls, Interior Design Sets, Moodboards, and Art of any kind.
Interior Sets can have people in them!
Art can be abstract, or of any other genre you like.
Perhaps you want to do a Set in monotone, or monotone and one color. Maybe you wish to make it a Fantasy Set where Gramma is a gnome, or an ogre, or a fairy. You might like to organize a steampunk Thanksgiving table or display. Vingettes are perfectly acceptable. Maybe you want to make a greeting card or book cover? Or perhaps you want to base your Set on a fable or fairytale? Create a wreath, decorate a tree in the woods, show us a festive door, be twisted or traditional. Most of all, have fun!
Link to Background Removal Tool and Instructions:
https://urstyle.fashion/topic/2437848/2-background-removal-tool-tutorial-for-winter-holiday-retrospective-contestWinter Holiday Collection:
https://urstyle.fashion/collections/241619Contest Link:
https://urstyle.fashion/contest/9987-twisted-gypsies-winter-holiday-retrospective -