Ads,ads and more ads...
Okay,so I think by now we all know the huge ads that cover the whole page. I can't even edit my sets anymore. @admin please at least remove them from the create tool. Ads don't help,they only infuriate. Please and thank you
@acciohermione Hi sweetie, I click on the ad let ot go to the page then click back to urstlye, that usually clears the ad. If it doesn't open a fresh page and the if it happens again do the same again, a fresher page usually clears it.
They are so frustrating considering it's us using Urstyle that help's with sales you'd think they'd not want to interrupt us doing sets. Hope this helps,
Just a thought Admin!' -
@acciohermione I refresh the page, which usually works.
@joeanne Thank you so much!! I'll try this!!
@acciohermione your welcome sweetie hugs xx
@rainbow-jen Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this won't work though when you try to edit your own set. The refresh will edit it out. But thanks because it works when you try to make a new set.
@acciohermione I usually click on the little blue X in the top corner of the ad, a drop down asks why I want to close the ad & I check that the ad covers the screen. Usually this works. Sometimes it doesn't, but I try any way. It is SO frustrating
@shelley-harcar Well,the problem is that there is no x. I would have clicked it if there was.
sorry for the trouble, google notified me post-factum that they "optimized" page ads. Please check if everything works fine now
@admin Yes,thank you so much!!