Clipper tool not working 2023

  • Clipper tool not working

    where the description or save button should be I have this and I cannot remove it.

    Sorry To Bother You, But... Your Privacy Is Important!
    We use cookies and your personal data to provide you best online experience.
    By using URSTYLE, you are accepting Terms


    won't let me see past terms

    I always allow cookies from this website so I don't know why I'm getting that message.
    and I don't see anywhere where I can accept cookies again other than when I logged in, which I have done now three times.
    and I checked all the settings nothing's changed
    I have already deleted the extension added it again, and restarted.

    Does anyone have any idea what I can do?

  • @jc13137 I've been getting the same message, but I can see the whole thing and accept the cookies, and it dismisses the message. May be silly but is your browser zoomed in at all? That may be why you can't see the whole message within the pop-up.

  • @bunn
    not silly. did not think to try that.
    I'm at 100% I just tried to zoom out and in. nothing changed

  • Same. I have also been getting this message for about a month now. Just like with what @Bunn said, sometimes if I can't see the full message and the "Accept" button I will zoom out my window screen. If that doesn't do it I'll just open the image in a new tab and transfer the item title to the to clipper title and item link to the description and clip from a new window. Hopefully this workaround works for you. I agree, it's very annoying. Not sure why it won't go away as I always accept it as well.

  • @pvjewelry
    I'm glad I'm not the only one.
    but unfortunately, I don't understand your workaround. I tried but could not copy let alone it still won't let me clip in a new window
    @vn1ta and @admin or @urstyle
    can help us out

  • @jc13137 I will close the URSTYLE clipper tool and right-click the image and a menu should appear where you can select "open image in new window".
    0_1697286718784_Screenshot (224).png
    Once you have the image isolated in a new window it may be easier to clip from there.
    0_1697286742314_Screenshot (225).png

  • URSTYLE Team

    cookie consent message has been removed, thank you for reporting the issue

  • @admin
    ツ Yay, it's working!!
    Thank you so much for fixing it.
    Have a great weekend stay safe

  • @pvjewelry
    thank you for posting the pics. I will definitely try that when sometimes pictures are too small to clip.
    Have a great weekend stay safe


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