Search function

  • Hello! I was wondering if anyone else encountered this issue. When using the set creator, I can only search for "products" but not actual items uploaded by other users. I also have found that the main search function (outside the editor) doesn't work very well either. Is there any way I can search for items only instead of "products"?

  • not sure if this answers your question, but when i'm using the editor i see tabs that say "fashion" "home" "beauty" "art" "likes" "my items" and "my collections" and I have the option to add the "products" tab with a plus sign at the end of all the other tabs. maybe you can add the other tabs through there if you don't have them?
    usually the only way i can find other user's uploaded items besides the ones i've already liked is through the "art" tab. and i hate to be that guy, but i feel like the search system on here is so inefficient because most users don't really add accurate descriptions to their items? i try to give decent descriptions & i can usually find my own uploaded items through the "art" tab when i type in key words i've used. i hope my reply was helpful! good luck xoxo


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