Can anyone please tell me if we get notifications of Contest I thought we did but I haven't for ages and if someone can walk me through the processso I get the notification I'd appreciate it.Thank Jo

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    Hi Jo, You have to follow the moderator to get Forum notifications, Contest wins should come automatically if you are placed. 🙂

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @joeanne As @Ollie said, PROVIDED the Moderators announce Contests when they begin and when they have been finished. Otherwise, there is a work-around...

    I Bookmark the Contests I'm participating in. The Bookmarks are in a folder (on Chrome) that I have placed in my browser bar. I drag them in chronological order. I have about 5 Contests saved that were never finished by the Moderator, but there's nothing I can do about those. I can keep an eye on the contests that are finished, whether they are announced or not, however.

    But yes, assuming a Group Moderator is posting Contest Announcements, you need to be Following every Moderator of each Group you are a member of to get their Notifications. 🙂

  • @Ollie and @FJG thanks girls for the info. I'll have to make sure I'm following the Moderators of my Groups.
    I appreciate the help girls, sending hugs and new years good wishes. xx


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