New Contest: 🌞Turn Back Your Clocks🌚

  • Twisted Gypsies

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    As we turn our clocks back an hour this season, what do you think about? The darker "longer" days? The transition from Autumn to Winter? Perhaps you think of astrological or spiritual meanings. Or perhaps the only thought that comes to mind is that you better replace those batteries in your wind up clocks.

    This Contest is not about clocks or time, but about whatever the loss of Daylight Saving Time means to you.

    You can submit clock Sets, or those about time. You may also submit Sets about the seasons, about Mother Nature, about memories, about how much you love this time of year, about how much you hate this time of year. Pretty much, anything goes, provided your Sets are not about Fashion or Beauty. It's up to interpretation.

    🌖 3 Weeks
    🌖 New Sets Only
    🌖 Unlimited Entries
    🌖 12 Seasonal and Timely Winners
    🌖 Twisted Collectable Award Set
    🌖 Mystery Guest Judge

    Most importantly, have fun!
    Contest Link:


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