• Hi. I'm ex-polyvorian and new here (1 month). I really like this, and I thank you very much for this platform, however I am very worried. I noticed that for more than 1 year you have not held a contest or spotlight members, and that your social networks (facebook and instagram) have no activity. What does that mean? Is this platform in danger of ending? Please, can you enlighten me? I just don't want to invest my expectations here and then lose all my work again (100,000 followers at Polyvore) like happened with Polyvore 😞 Thank you very much for your attention.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Hi Lila and welcome Dear! 🙂 I've been with URStyle from the beginning when Polyvore got sabotagedand a large portion of our Polyfam is here as well and thriving, I might add. There are contests going on all the time. Go to Community at the top of your Page and click twice. There is a section called "Contests". You can click on that and find the contests that suits you. I personally, am in about 6 contest groups and there's always something going on.

    URStyle also allows you to save all your Sets to your Computer and, if you wish, you can upload your Items to your computer as well. Just bring up your Set in a tab and right click. That menu will have a "Save As" option. Click on that and it will take you to your computer.

    URStyle's Facebook Page does showcase Sets on occasion but it's pretty quiet there because we're all so busy here! 🙂

    I actually find URStyle a much more functional platform, but it does take some time to navigate through it. The Community has all the info you need to do this and the Admins and members are very supportive. I'm completely happy here and have been these two years. Their editing tools are great, the access to Collections offered by the members to you can restock your Items that were lost in Polyvore and you can always go to Google and find png images as well. So have fun here, there's lots to get involved in and keep your Sets safe at the same time. 🙂


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