MINIMALIST Design Contest

  • Design Styles Defined

    Minimalist Design Contest

    Join our 4th contest:

    Create or submit original MINIMALIST design sets. Interior Design, Fashion, Dolls and Art sets are welcome.

    It pays to buy quality over quantity and invest in classics that will stand the test of time. Choose well-made pieces that are built to last. Keep it simple. Tone everything down, pare everything back, and abide by the "less is more" approach. It is more about the attitude and thought process behind things than it is about the color palette (or lack thereof) or a specific number of items. “Minimalism is not defined by what is not there but by the rightness of what is and the richness with which this is experienced.” (John Pawson)

    Variations: Traditional Japanese, Eco-Minimalism, Japandi.

    Collections for reference & inspiration:

    style | minimalist: &
    decor | minimalist:

    Hashtags: #MinimalistStyle & #MinimalistDecor

    Trust your imagination & have fun! Cheers!


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