• Hello Urstylers,

    While Urstyle keeps updating this site and making it better and better, I'm trying out different layouts in the meantime that are easier to publish with - like less cropping to make things fit, or too much process involved with shadowing and effects. I'm doing this mostly due to limitations on my end.

    I could always go the "organized" set route, but I sometimes like to get my artsy mojo fix every now and again.

    I'm mainly working from devices, as my hubby has our computers set to block certain trackers that interfere with many of the permissions and extensions some sites require. So my creativity and use of some features is a bit limited for the time being - like clipping, downloading images, and turning square images into circular one's ( I wish I could do that).

    Anyways, do you guys have any suggestions?
    Please share links to some of your set layouts that you have found to be quicker and easier to use on here (especially from a device), or any other tricks or tips. I would greatly appreciate it dears.

    Perlita 🤗


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