Drafts - where do they go?

  • ~☺Art,art,art☺~

    1. Where can I find drafts I saved?
    2. Do drafts of a set stay saved if I publish the set?
    3. How do I save a draft so that it stays saved as a draft even after I press publish when done?
  • Magazine Look

    Dear @yasmineyusuf , your drafts are saved inside the URSTYLE Creator. You can save them by clicking the "SAVE DRAFT" button. Once you save a draft, you will see a button "OPEN DRAFT" next time you open/reload the Create page. Please note that drafts on URSTYLE are currently saved as a list of titles, so make sure to give associative titles to your saves.

    When you publish the set successfully, your draft will disappear from the list of drafts.

    Unfortunately, you cannot publish the same set and save it as a draft. However, if the "ERROR" occurs during publishing, you can click "SAVE DRAFT" and try to republish the set later. If you have encountered any publishing issues, please check this post: https://urstyle.com/topic/1895441/solution-for-set-publishing-issues.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions. 🙂
    Anita | URSTYLE Community manager


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