FOLLOW issue

  • Polyfam

    i am so very sure i followed some members, but than weeks or days later i realize that i do not follow them. first i thought it was my mistake. but now i think it happens because some error in urstyle databaze. following some dear polyvore friends and i am very sure i did follow them on urstyle. but days later do i have to follow them again and days later again? somehow urstyle deletes following for some members. is there any limit on number of following? is that only me?? does anyone else noticed this bug?

  • Magazine Look

    Hi dear @aaliyahjh 🙂 URSTYLE would never delete your follows, please do not worry. There is no limit to the number of people that you can follow.

    I will ask the administrators to check this issue.

    Have a great day! ♥
    Anita | URSTYLE Community manager


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