My Item Organizer has the word "FALSE" after it in the drop-down menu on the left side of my screen...

  • Magazine Look

    @maisondeforgeron Yes dear, collections are sorted alphabetically in the Creator, but not in the Organizer 🙂 I can discuss the alphabetical order of collections in the Organizer with admins and check if it can be done.

    Thank you for your patience. ♥

  • @vn1ta Could you ask them to make the alphabetical sorting optional? I'd like to be able to customize the order in which my collections appear, like I've been doing since I've been here.

    On Polyvore, we could move collections around manually to determine our own order, as well as the order of the items within the collections. That seems ideal, since alphabetical order doesn't benefit everyone.

  • Magazine Look

    @thevandyheiress I've brought up rearranging order of items and collections by using the drag and drop feature, but since that would be technically more demanding, the admins have provided alphabetical sorting - for now 🙂 The other option will be provided in the future. Thank you for your patience. ♥

  • Thanks so much, Anita! Here is the screenshot (notice the title "ITEM ORGANIZER FALSE" in the drop-down menu on the left)...
    Have a lovely day 🙂

  • Magazine Look

    @pwhiteaurora Thank you for sharing this screenshot. I will forward it to the admins. 🙂 Is your Organizer working properly / do you have any problems with it?

  • @vn1ta
    I just tried to clip a couple of items from the website & they did import into my "ITEMS" in the organizer and in the webpage "ITEMS" (when I click on it while on my profile page). This was not so last night while I was clipping quite a few items, even though the box told me they would appear soon on my profile. Those items have not appeared anywhere even today. So apparently the current trials of importing items using the clipper have been successful. Just not sure why the word "FALSE" shows up as in the screenshot.

  • Magazine Look

    @pwhiteaurora Thank you for clarifying 🙂 It is possible that the system dismissed some of your earlier uploads due to database problem. I will talk with administrators about preventing this type of issues. I'm not sure if I mentioned this - it may be a good idea to open the ITEMS page while you're performing upload and to occasionally reload the page (using this button 0_1539838733633_rel.png ) to check if your items are appearing. It should save you some time. ♥

    As for the "False" sign, I will get back to you when I hear from administrators. No worries.
    Anita | URSTYLE Community manager

  • @vn1ta Thanks again, Anita, for all your time & effort today persisting to get answers to this issue. To clarify, yes I do actually keep another tab open with my ITEMS page & keep refreshing it after clipping an item to check if it truly uploads, while simultaneously checking the ITEMS in the ORGANIZER as well. I also tend to "like" the items soon after they appear in the ITEMS, then I check my LIKES to ensure they appear there too!
    Blessings to you & the entire staff at URSTYLE!! ❤ 🙂

  • Magazine Look

    @pwhiteaurora You are most welcome, dear ♥ Thank you for your kind words and support! 🙂

  • Magazine Look

    @pwhiteaurora Hello again dear 🙂 I've heard back from the admins and they have told me that the fix for your Organizer issue was created and that it will be deployed in the next days. Thank you for your patience. ♥


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