Draft sets won't appear ...

  • Hi,
    I don't know if anyone is facing the same problem but I tried to open a draft set, it loads for a very few seconds but nothing will appear on the tab ... So I was wondering if it was just because of some maintenance or if all my drafts literally disappeared overnight ...
    Thanks in advance to anyone who could help !

  • Update:
    The items are charged, I can click on them but they won't appear ... The transparency thing doesn't work, items only appear when with the white contour.

  • Fashion Contests

    I also have had the same problem plus also lost a draft. Let's hope that Urstyle will resolve these issues soon.

  • Magazine Look

    @beverly Dear, could you give me more details about lost drafts? Did your set disappear from screen while you were working? What happened exactly?
    Please give me more info so that I can forward the details to admins for checking 💝

    @Chérie Did your drafts reappear or did I misunderstand the post? 🙂
    Did the issue with white background persist?
    You also seem to have a problem with "invisible items" - they won't load. Is that correct?
    I would forward details of your problems to the admins too. 💝

  • @vn1ta (My explanation was so messy I'm so sorry 😓) The thing was that at first sight, once the draft finished loading, nothing appeared, because all the items on the set were with the transparent background. I restarted my computer a few minutes ago and now everything seems to be back to normal 😊 ! The items with transparent background reappeared ^^
    (I feel so bad for disturbing you with my issues, thank you again 💝 )

  • Fashion Contests


    I have never had this happen before. I saved the draft and it just kept spinning until it said saved. I went back later to work on the draft and there was no indication of a draft being saved. I then left a post in response to @Chérie. A few hours later, I hit the create link and to my surprise the set was back. I never have problems with a set being saved before. Maybe it was just a glitch due to Urstyle working on the site. I did notice that yesterday was very slow as a whole. Hope this helps. Have a great weekend. 🙂💛💜

  • Magazine Look

    @chérie Oh, but I'm so glad that the problems were resolved! Good to know! 😊 Thank you very much for sharing that. And please do not worry, help section is meant for problem reports, questions and similar 🤗 💝

  • Magazine Look

    @beverly Thank you very much for responding, dear Beverly! 😊 I'm so glad that your draft wasn't lost - your sets are wonderful! This happened to some members before - the drafts wouldn't load for a while, but most of the issues got resolved in a couple of hours, so that's good 🤗 💝


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