Item Organizer problem

  • Fashion Contests

    There are images I do not wish to always keep in my item organizer. The delete is not always working. I select the ones I want to delete and hit the remove. It ask me if I want to delete these items and I click yes. However, it is not always taking them out. Instead of items were deleted I get changes have been saved. Please check this out. Thank you Urstyle.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Not working for me either. It's likely because UrStyle is updating.

  • Magazine Look

    This happened to me before - the item wouldn't get deleted instantly, so I clicked on another item (or any white blank space on the screen) and then it's gone 🙂

  • Twisted Gypsies

    Hi Beverly, Not sure if you've tried these things but if you go to the top left of your Tab Page, there should be a "Refresh" arrow in the shape of a circle. When I'm working in the Item Organizer (or any other Page) and some kind of glitch happens I hit the Refresh arrow and it resets the Page and solves the issue most of the time. Also, sometimes there's some "Jet Lag" that happens where the adding or deleting Items won't happen right away if the Queue's in the URStyle Platform are busy and get backed up. I'd suggest clearing your Cache every 2 to 4 hours because sometimes URStyle fixes the problem and clearing the Cache will bring the Page up to date. Hope this helps Dear. 🙂

  • It can be very slow. I just open up another screen and do something else. Eventually, they go away. There were a couple of items that would keep popping up even after deleting them, but that has stopped for more than a week.


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