Item upload issue


    I just spent a couple of hours uploading a bunch of items using the cropping tool. I got the message that says your items will appear on your profile soon. However, none are there after about an hour now. As a test I went to a site just now and uploaded a new item and that one showed up right away. Are all those items gone, lost? or will they appear eventually if perhaps your servers are backed up?

  • Magazine Look

    Dear, your items are most probably in the queue and they will appear soon. 🙂
    Queue forms sometimes due to numerous user uploads (over 10 000 per day).
    Feel free to message me if your problem persists and I will contact administrators 💝

  • @vn1ta Oh OK. I just wondered if most people use the clipper tool now. I can't use that ( have safari yosemite ) so I did it the old way with image address upload. I just like to know if that system still works. If so, I will just be patient till my items appear. I understand you are very busy with so many uploads a day. Good work team.

  • Magazine Look

    @carloadofdogs Yes, "ADD ITEMS" button is essentially the same thing as Clipper, but method of collecting items is a bit different. 🙂 If your items still didn't appear, please let me know 💝



    I am now having this issue.
    Has there been any update?
    Did their items finally appear?

    For me, I've been clipping a lot and today I clipped from and other places, but only the Adidas items refuse to show up... The items I've clipped before and after Adidas are there.

    Any news on what's up? Are they just too big?

  • Magazine Look

    @tr_duchess Hmm, well some sites do not allow their items to be linked to other web sites 🤔 There could also be a problem with the image itself.

    Have you tried opening each image separately?

    You can also try to upload them via "ADD ITEMS" button on your profile. Here is a tutorial (under number 1): 💝


    @vn1ta I'd do that if I only cared about the image itself.

    Using the tool leaves a link to the website I got it from so I can get more info... doing the image separately would only let the link lead to the image. I do not want that since I use my sets as art references.

    And putting a link to the website in the description for every item is the exact same problem I've been having with clipping Chinese and Japanese store items. It takes too much time when I already have a lot to add =(

  • Magazine Look

    @tr_duchess I am sorry to hear that, but, unfortunately, I cannot do more than that. You can send a message to Urstyle team via [email protected] and describe your problem with that specific site. They might be able to help you more 💝


    Mine never appeared. I started uploading a few and checking then uploading more and repeat. I don't really want to spend that kind of time for nothing.

  • Magazine Look

    @giselsims The current Clipper version is the first ever on Urstyle (beside "ADD ITEMS" button) and, while it works on most sites, some sites simply do not allow item upload (their files are protected). Another problem could be the image format or size.

    Please try to upload items from different sites to test if the Clipper works for you 🙂 If the problem persists, you can email Urstyle team via [email protected] and describe your problem. Please make sure to enlist the sites that you're having problems with, so that they can check it 💝


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