I lost my draft!

  • Fashion Contests

    This is a first for me. It has taken me almost two days to complete this interior design set. I saved it and went back to add another item and it was gone. 😥😮

  • Oh my goodness! The same thing happened to me when I first joined the URSTYLE community. Since then I have always kept the tab of the unfinished set open. Another trick is to like every item you use so you can go to your liked items dubbed "likes" and add them. I am super sorry to hear that you lost your draft. Maybe there is a button for your drafts that you aren't seeing? It is always possible to ask the administration if they can get it back. Good luck!

  • @beverly I just checked all of mine that are in drafts and so far so good. Maybe Ustyle can retrieve it?

  • Fashion Contests

    I just went back in to the editor and my draft was back. Wow! I was so surprised. I have no clue what happened. I could shout with glee. LOL

  • @beverly I am soooooo glad to hear that!!!!!!! 😅😁 I was so worried that you wouldn't find it!!!!!!!

  • Style File

    @Beverly Hi Beverly, I've notice that when I save a draft and try to go right back into it while still in create mode it isn't there. But, if I go out of create mode and to my profile or something and then go back into create mode and look for the draft then it shows. Not sure why that is but it sure freaked me out at first. Now I just know that is how it is at least in my case. Hope that helps.

  • Magazine Look

    @fashionmonkey It could be because we need to refresh the page in order to see the new changes 🙂 In any case, I'm so glad that draft is saved! 💝

  • I'm glad you got it back! ❤ I've been so paranoid about losing my draft with the glitches lately. I've been working on it for days, and it has dozens and dozens of items. So I have my draft open in Google Chrome, where I work on it, and also open in Safari. Every time I save it in Chrome, I reopen it in Safari just to be absolutely sure that it's safely backed up in Urstyle.


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