Items multiplying on a doll set

  • Fashion Contests

    I made a doll set and about half way into it, probably one hour, I wanted to change some of the images. I had to delete a few items and that is when I saw that almost all images had multiplied at least 6 times. Everytime I tried to delete them, more would be underneath. Eventually. When I finally published the set, it was so small that I had to delete it. The frustration with the uploads is enough to put up with, however, this doll set was the icing on the cake. It was easy to do a doll set, since I had a decent collection to make not having to wait for the uploads. 😮😑😣 I have only received one image that I uploaded early this morning. It is exhausting and I am going to address some thoughts with the administration. Maybe they should put a limit on the number each of us load. I really do believe that the site is not able to handle the volume plus other issues. We want all the Polyvore goodies, however, please take into consideration that Urstyle is not Polyvore. No way! Urstyle has bent over backwards to get their site up to our standards. I have enjoyed having place to go after losing Polyvore. Sorry I didn't not mean to get so windy, however, this day has been so frustrating. 🖤

  • That is 100% understandable! ❤ I am absolutely sure that the administration will work things out and you can make another one of your amazing doll sets! 🙂

  • @beverly That has happened to me three times. I end up redoing the set before publishing. In fact, my most recent set it happened on. I am not sure what glitch is causing it, but I think Urstyle is doing a great job trying to accommodate us former Polyvore people. I have most of my uploads now, and I think I will take it easy on uploads for awhile to give Urstyle time to deal with things. Don't give up when that happens to a set, you can eventually fix it. I hope you stay on the forum Beverly 😌

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    Beveryly, I too have thought about suggesting a limit on set items. The admins at Polyvore swore that keeping a limit helped the site run smoother. I know it's not a popular suggestion. So many disliked the limit on Polyvore, but if it means the site might run smoother, I'm all for it.

  • Fashion Contests

    I went back in and did the same doll that I deleted. The only other thing is that the doll is so small after she is published compared to the size in the editor. Why? Here is the link:

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @beverly sometimes if there is an Item that we accidentally leave outside of the Set, it can take up xtra space and make the published Set smaller. While I'm not sure about the other issues you're having, you can check this by clicking Edit and going back into the Create Page. Make the existing page smaller by zooming out and see if there's an Item or two that was left outside the set. Take your cursor arrow and put it at the very top left of the blank part of the Page. Click once, hold your mouse down and drag the cursor arrow all the way across the Page until it covers the entire square of the blank areas of the Page. If there's an Item loose, it will show up and just delete it. If this is the problem, it will fix it. I've had this happen over a dozen times both in Polyvore and here and my published Set comes out looking like a thumbnail, so it's an easy mistake to fix. 🙂

    The other things, like multiples showing up, etc. are glitches that the Team needs to take a look at and fix and I'm sure they will. URStyle is making a tremendous effort to emulate Polyvore, but the PV Platform itself was gigantic with infinite moving parts that needed updating quite a bit when it first started and had the same kinds of glitches interfering with updates. URStyle has also just begun to implement these new features and it's going to take some time to settle in. It can be frustrating but I think we're gonna be okay eventually and things will run more smoothly down the road. So hang in there and I hope I didn't confuse you about the Item fix. Hope it works! 🙂


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