• CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    Many of you who visit my sets know I've been have publishing issues on ALL of my creations. So today, I think I finally figured out the issue for me when I have publishing or saving issues on my mobile device. When I create a set via Chrome web browser in it doesn't save or publish correctly. The published set will come out missing items if it does decide to publish. I prefer to use Chrome in desktop mode to create because the creator space is a larger workspace.
    screenshot of CHROME DESKTOP MODE on my mobile device

    screenshot of PUFFIN DESKTOP MODE on my mobile device

    I notice when I try to open a chrome saved DRAFT in Puffin to try to publish, it's a 90% chance that things are missing or it didn't save anything. I can save and publish perfectly fine in Puffin mobile web browser but the workspace is not a full space to work with in mobile or desktop mode.
    THIS screenshot below is what the space is like creating in mobile version in all web browsers

    The workspace is so tiny and many blind spots, no zoom in or out buttons and the arrow keys [moving items functions are wayyy too close to each other on both mobile and desktop version for touch screens] The PUBLISH, SAVE & UNDO, REDO buttons need to be somewhere else or all in one space not the workspace to create in. I will have to add this to the Suggestions thread also.
    Has anyone noticed what browser they are using when items go missing?

  • CureKtity's TGIF Friends

    @luckied99 This issue happens to me to on a PC using Chrome Web Browser. When I make a set at work during lunch, I am using a 28 inch flat screen! Absolutely Awesome to make sets! However, if I save it as a draft and try to finish it up at home on an 15 inch laptop, them set is either very tiny or huge and if I save the set and items have been cropped, the cropped items are lost. It's definitely some sort of cropping issue that seems to happen when you view draft sets in different screen sizes. At least that my take on the issue.

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @luckied99 @curekitty Yes, I use Chrome as well and have incurred problems on creating and publishing sets. Recently I had a set that every time I cut an item, It would return so large on the screen that it would take me at least five goes to get the item to a manageable size on the screen. The draft saved ok, but when I published, the items in the set were all over the place. I have found that by going out of draft after saving and then coming back into the set frequently appears to reset the configurations and seems to resolve for the problem for a short period. But I have also noticed this problem is very spasmotic, sometimes it is fine and then other times it is not. So I do not know really what is going on. I clear cache after every session so this should not be the problem.

  • CureKtity's TGIF Friends

    @ollie I really do believe this issue is having to do with using different screen sizes to make sets! I just had another set that I created yesterday at work on my large screen and I saved it as a draft. I am now trying to publish it on my laptop and I lost half the items in the set when I opened it tonight. Frustrating. I posted a set about 15 minutes ago that I saved as a draft on my laptop yesterday and nothing is missing when I published it tonight on my laptop. I never opened it on my work computer. Looks like to me it is a scaling issue with the images in the set. Maybe my idea is not exactly the issue others are seeing but it has to do with sizing the set and cropped items too. I hope this is something URStyle can look into. I found that one this issue happens, no matter what you do, added stuff back etc. The set never gets updated. I have to trash my messed up set and try again.

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    @curekitty I dont think its screen sizes as Im ALWAYS on my I has to do with something internally that happens if the set is open longer than 10 minutes in chrome no matter the times of saving.

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @curekitty @luckied99 I understand what you are saying but I am thinking maybe it has something to do with the actual draft configurations. For if the same browser is being used to make the initial draft and then to publish there should not be a problem, as URstyle configurations should not change. Or the possibility is that there are different problems here not one.

  • CureKtity's TGIF Friends

    @luckied99 @Ollie I work for a software development company where we had a similar issue years ago. It had to do with screen proportion size and how images are rendered after photo manipulation. Maybe my theory is not 100% right but I am sure making the set smaller or bigger, cropping items, using the phone and seeing their create space is smaller under one set of circumstances than another might cause these issues.

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    @curekitty @ollie welp....whatever the case is...Im sure it's the next big fix crossing fingers...toes...eyes...and hair along with a very functional phone app. I really love the large workspace in Chrome . I wonder what other browser has a large workspace and you can see the set and items all at the same time like my puffin app with the sml screen above. I've tried PUFFIN, MICROSOFT EDGE, and FIREFOX Oon my laptop and those don't have the same layout as Chrome either.

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @curekitty @luckied99 I think maybe we will have to leave this one to URStyle, as we could discuss this all day. At least they will be aware of what is happening and given time, either suggest an alternative or fix the problem.

  • CHANGE IT UP 2.o

    @ollie agree totally...cheers 👍😘


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