Cannot delete itens when creating

  • Art Expression

    Hi. well, this happens sometimes only. Sometimes i add an item and either:

    • It gets "stuck" in the resize option (like everytime i move the mouse it resizes again and again, when i move the mouse, but doesn't stay on the chosen size)
    • Sometimes a Item cannot be deleted from the creation board, while i am creating, it seems to get stuck in the board, i click on it, but nothing happens. It just stays there, unable to move
      It doesn't always happen, but it is a bit annoying when it happens because then i have to undo the whole thing and can´t save draft or finish the set. Does this happens to anyone else?

  • you can post the set and go back and edit it the item doesn't show

  • The Story Corner

    @wintermoon Sometimes it does that to me too, but if I click on another item the offending one disappears.😏

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @wintermoon Hi, been having problems with creating sets the last couple of days. Yesterday I had a set that every time I cut an item, it returned extremely large on the screen and usually had to go back and forth about five times to get it to a manageable size, the draft was saving ok, so I continued but when I published the set well there was major errors. Today I am having trouble deleting items when creating and/or if I click on an item it is picking up a totally different item?? Just letting you know your not on your own 🙂


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