group admin issue - group gone

  • Hi guys, I had a lot of the problems listed above. Clear your browser's history & cookies and you might see the updates fixed like I did.

    But I've got a big problem with the group feature now as an admin...I was having a glitch within my group "Romero & Julia {R+J}" where the icon + banner would not show when I was within my group's topics. This made it impossible to go back to the group's main page without using my browser's back arrow. I thought maybe it was because I had brackets in my group's name so I went into the admin settings and tried to change the group's name.

    Immediately I received two error messages; one of them said the group name already existed. After eventually saving, it glitched before locking me out the group completely.

    The old name/URL no longer exists: ("503 Service Unavailable / No server is available to handle this request.") and/or "Oops! We can't find that page."

    And the new URL gives me a blank group I cannot join nor access:

    Please help @admin - I had a few topics already posted and members who had joined my group and it would be a shame for my last hour of work to be gone! I hope you can find it all somewhere in your server and that the admin settings just need some fine-tuning. thank you ❤

    will delete my double post once this is solved

  • Magazine Look

    @ahlexandra Dear, it seems that changing group name causes problems for now, so it was disabled. Administrators will work on fixing the issue with groups, no worries 🙂 💝

  • @vn1ta yes it would seem that way. do you think i can get my group back if i email the staff or do i have to start over?...thank you for your reply!

  • my group is still listed, and it still says there are 5 members in it.
    but when i click it, the group is completely blank...

  • and if i can't get my work back how do i delete it 🤔
    @admin @URSTYLE

  • URSTYLE Team

    @ahlexandra we need to fix it by hand, please PM me with the group name and the old name


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