Former Polyvore Member Names & URStyle Names List Here!
I've taken a list of members from Polyvore and am working to match them up with their new UrStyle member names. Feel free to add your own Polyvore former name/s and your current one by hitting REPLY. Then simply Upvote this post so I will be notified of your entry. I will then add you to the list!
If I am not notified, then I will make updates as I check this post. Thanks!POLYVORE = URStyle
@abbeyvann = @clipartjunkie
@absolutelyfabulousdesigns = @Edie-Hawkins
@acidicpleasure = @architecture
@adaline-blooms = @adaline-blooms
@ajiyfun = @ajiyfun
@alicelovehandmade = @alicehandmade
@amw29 = @amw29
@amwmik = @amwmik
@amyconnelly803 = @aims_c8
@an-nao = @an-nao
@andrea-villeda = @andrea-villeda
@anita-n = @vn1ta
@anne-maren-weisser-fredriksen = @AnneWF
@antemore-765 = @Ante-More= @antemorefan-765
@anyateresa = @anyateresa
@aqua22 = @aqua22
@art-gives-me-life = @artgivesmelife
@artistic-biscuit = @dotingsage
@asia-12 = @asia-12
@auntiehelen = @HelenCampbell
@azure_rose = @azurerose
@babyfairy = @gretonate
@barebear1965 = @barebear1965
@barngirl = @barngirl
@beanpod = @beanpod
@beleev = @beleev
@bigbayred = @tropicgal
@blackfury = @black-fury
@blondemommy = @blondemommy
@blukatdesign = @heather-botteron-o-cain
@buffykdh = @buffykdh
@bvbychanel = @dxllyangel
@captivatestyles = @captivatestyles
@carol-lynn = @carol-lynn
@carolyn = @carolyn-lewis
@carrotsandlemons = @carrotsandlemons
@cathiemcnally = @cathie-mcnally= @Cathie-Mcnally-0
@catyravenwood = @catyravenwood
@ceremonials = @ceremonials
@Cherry Layne = @cherry-layne
@chileez = @chileez
@chomiczynka = @chomiczynka
@chxrry-blossom = @sugarplum-s
@cindu12 = @cindu12
@claire42 = @claire-k
@classyNglamorous = @classyNglamorous
@comealilkailoser = @kainy
@constanceann = @constanceann
@countrycousin = @countrycousin
@craftygeminicreation = @craftygemini
@crochetragrug = @crochetragrug
@crystalglowdesign = @crystalglow
@curekitty = @curekitty
@daizyjayne = @janesstylediary
@danielle-suijkerbuijk = @Danielle-S.
@darksmile01 = @darksmile10
@dear-scone = @dear-scone
@deborah-518 = @deborah-518
@debraelizabeth = @debraelizabeth
@deepwinter = @deepwinter
@dgia = @dgia
@dinosaurqueen = @dinosaurqueen
@Dixie = @Dixie
@dodowolfy = @KraljDodo
@dreamingofamelia = @dreamingofamelia
@dundiddit = @dundiddit
@dyanjoy = @dyan
@ebeleroderick = @ebeleroderick
@efashiondiva7 = @efashiondiva7
@ellenhilart = @ellen-hilart16
@emcf3548 = @emcf3548
@emjule = @emjule (May she rest in peace.)
@e-maggie = @e-maggie
@etteniotna = @etteniotna
@evachasioti = @eva-chasioti
@eyesondesign0181 = @eyesondesign0181
@f3arl3ssprinc3ss = @gabby
@faith-faithless = @faithless
@fake-queen = @kathrine
@falling-backwards-twards-death = @fbtd
@fashionablemy = @fashionablemy
@fassionista = @fassionista
@fashionistlady = @fashionistlady
@fm3happy = @fm3happy
@flowerchild805 = @flowerchild805
@fowlerteetee = @TeeTee-Milonas-Fowler
@franca-helo = @franca-helo
@freida-adams = @freida-adams
@funkyjunkygypsy = @funkyjunkygypsy
@giovanina-001 = @giovanina-001
@girlinthebigbox = @girlinthebigbox
@glamjournal = @glamjournal
@gloomed = @faerie
@gracekathryn = @gracekathryn
@greta-martin = @greta-martin
@halloweenismyfav = @Edie-Hawkins
@haikuandkysses = @haikuandkysses
@havens = @havens
@hawkeye9862 = @Edie-Hawkins
@heartsongs = @heartsongs
@i-love-stan-the-man = @circus-eyes
@idetached = @idetached
@incogneato = @incogneato
@indiesarah = @sarahelisabeth
@in-this-darkness-i-see-colors = @korekara
@irene erin = @Irene-Erin
@jailered = @jailered
@jaja8x8 = @jaja8x8
@jarmgirl = @jarmfarm
@JasmineMcC2002 = @jasmineMcC2002
@jennytee = @jennytee
@jesuisunlapin = @jesuisunlapin
@jerana97 = @infinitystoner
@jewelsinthecrown = @jewelsinthecrown
@jfcheney = @jfcheney
@joy2thahworld = @joy2theworld
@jungshooketh = @esp.on
@kateo = @kateo
@KateOlive = @KateOlive
@katik27 = @katik27
@katrinaballerina = @katrinaballerina
@kelly-floramoon-legg = @KellyFloramoon
@kenny-ks = @green-bean
@kiddiefashion = @kiddiefashion
@kjvlulu = @kjvlulu
@kleasterling = @kleasterling
@korekara = @korekara
@lacas = @lacas
@ladyvalkyrie = @badintentions
@larosita = @larosita
@lastchance = @lastchance
@laughingdog = @laughingdog
@leccy = @hydrogen
@leegal57 = @leegal57
@leslietaylor9 = @leslietaylor9
@lhocreations = @emily-wasonga
@lilacat = @lilacat
@lilsadgal = @filthysoul
@lilythefemenist = @groovylils
@lisanne.las = @lisannevicious
@lithe-fae = @octoburfrost
@little-miss-rhapsody = @epirhapsody
@lois-boyce-flack = @lois-boyce-flack
@loveheartz = @bluexstarflower
@loves-elephants = @loveselephants
@lsamsam = lsamsam
@lseed87 = @lseed87
@Issastyle101 = @Issastyle101
@lysianna = @lysianna
@maggie-johnston = @maggie-johnston
@maggotpunk = @maggotpunk
@magnolialily-prints = @magnolialily-pts
@mahvelus = @Mahvelus-24-7
@maisythicc = @maisymalanaphy
@majezy = @majezy
@maria-polyvore = @mariastyled
@marianadoll = @ortegamariana
@marwariad = @marzilla
@maryfary = @maryfary
@mayblooms = @mayblooms
@melannf = @melannf
@merima-kopic = @merimakopic
@merrygorounds = @merrygorounds
@mimi1207 = @mimi1207
@mikky = @meitus
@misskouture = @misskouture
@misslcb = @London-Soul
@Misunderstood = @Riff-Raff
@mommyajg = @Manders
@morbid-octobur = @octoburfrost
@my-shiny-shackles = @myshinyshackles
@my-time-is-now = @my-time-is-now
@myduza-and-koteczka = @myduza
@MiyonCarney-Howard = @Marion-Howard
@mysfytdesigns = @mysfytdesigns
@namaste203 = @Namaste203
@nannerl27forever = @nannerl27forever
@natihasi = @natihasi
@never_alone = @anna_7ave
@newsjoan = @newsjoan
@nicole valents = @Nicole-Valents
@nieboskakara = @nieboskakara
@nina-lala = @nina-lala
@niwi = @niwi
@nocturnalmother = @cyndijo58
@not-the-average-girl = @iconoclast
@northernqueen = @northernqueen
@officialbabygirl = @officialbbgirl
@ollie-and-me = @Ollie
@oxariaone = @roxariaone
@p-ureness = @p-ureness
@pati777 = @pati777
@pattimelt = @pattimelt74
@pdcohen12 = @pdcohen12
@pebbles78 = @pebbles78
@perilousnessfashion = @perilousness
@pokeasaurousrex = @pokeasaurousrex
@polystyleeasy = @PolyStyleEasy
@poshtrish = @poshtrish
@porcelainophelia = @moonshadow
@prrincessmax = @official_strbm
@qmaxine = @Qmaxine
@queen-of-asgard-160 = @queenofasgard160
@rachelegance = @rachelegance
@ragnh-mjos = @ragnh-mjos
@rainbowjen = @rainbow-jen
@rainheartcreations = @RainHeartArt
@rboowybe = @rboowybe
@rebecadavisblogger = @ladyr
@riagr = @riagr
@ritadolce = @ritadolce
@roxariaone = @roxariaone
@rozelle = @rozelle
@rubysal = @rubysal
@sabinakopic = @sabinakopic
@sadloving = @architecture
@sandolina77 = @sandolina77
@sandyspider = @sandyspider
@seasidecollectibles = @pj_at_sc
@septembrie = @septembrie
@shaluvs212 = @studio.nsha
@sharee64 = @sharee64
@she_is_mystery = @obviously
@shields&snakes = @spdspdrshldsnks
@shoaleh-nia = @shoaleh-nia
@shudenbaun = @lekseevaa
@shyliekee100 = @shyliekee
@sindhuja_coolgirl = @sindhuja_coolgirl
@sixgunsweetie = @sixgunsweetie
@sjk921= @sklooks
@sjlew = @sjlew
@smil-ly = @_dreamingangel_
@smleger = Sleger
@soenticing = @soenticing
@sorry-its-the-voices = @lilac-skies
@sorevgen297 = @sorevgen
@spades&spiders = @spdspdrshldsnks
@starrswhitedragon = @starrz
@stephanielee4 = @stephanielee4
@Suburbhater = @Suburbhater
@summersdream = @summersdream
@sundaygray = @sundaygray
@sunny's system = @Sunny-s-System
@sunsets_and_shivers = @amxranthine
@surfergirl3915-1 = @surfergirl3915
@tanistanis = @covetyourbeauty
@tattered-rose = @misskitty
@teabuhic = @teabuhic
@tempestaartica = @tempesta-artica
@terry-tlc = @terry-tlc
@tessamae-x = @sempiternal
@tews = @quartz
@the face of style = @bo55io
@theliatevi = @theliatevi
@theseapearl = @theseapearl
@theetruthseeker = @Miyon-Howard
@ti-ka = @ti-ka
@tiffanysblues = @tiffanysblues
@titanium-druzy = @titanium-druzy
@tlinston = @tlinston
@topaz-39 = @topaz
@torilink = @torilink
@Tracy Shaw = @Girlyideas
@tropical-songwriter = @xo-nicole
@turniptitaness = @thea.goulas
@ultraviolet92 = @roby
@ussms1107 = @ussms1107
@vegablue = @shecanread
@victorianheaven = @beverly
@vn1ta = @vn1ta
@whimsically-so = @whimsically-so
@wildnature = @wildnature
@wintermoon = @wintermoon
@xrissa = @xrissa
@zaplily = @zaplily
@212_nataly = @212_natalyCurrent Member Names can be found here: -
@funkyjunkygypsy I was wondering if you could add us to the list? if so, i'll be thankful
VB - the face of style = BO55IO - By Valentin Bossio. Thank you already!! I found a lot of friends thanks to you!!
This List Is GREAT @FunkyJunkyGypsy !!!!!! Thank-You !!!!!
from beleev
@bo55io Done! Is that correct?
@beleev YAY! Great to see you here!
@funkyjunkygypsy great to see you here too !!!! : )
@funkyjunkygypsy oh pardon! we gave you the actual name not the username!! but yesm it's correct
@beleev !
@bo55io Great!
Всем привет!
@sorevgen297 тут @sorevgen -
Could you add me to the list, if you don't mind? I was my-shiny-shackles on PV, myshinyshackles on here now. I just started on here so I'm not sure how much it's like Polyvore, but I'm hoping this will work for me.
could you add me as well on pv I was @lilsadgal but on here I'm @filthysoul
Could you add me? please, I was marianadoll on PV and my new username is this @ortegamariana
@sorevgen Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@myshinyshackles Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@filthysoul Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@ortegamariana Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!
@FunkyJunkyGypsy Could you add me to the list, if you don't mind?
On Polyvore I was Nicole Valents, just like on Urstyle.
Your idea of the list is beautiful..!! -
I was @artistic-biscuit on polyvore. -
@nicole-valents Done! Please check for accuracy! Thanks!