Importing Sets from Polyvore

  • Polyfam

    Hiya.. how long does this take? I tried it when I first joined and nothing and then I tried it a few days ago. It says import successful but my sets never appear. Thank you.

  • You may need to clear the cookies from your cache & then logout & log back onto URStyle.

  • Magazine Look

    Hi dear 😊 The import duration depends on your file size and Internet speed.

    It's important that you upload the original (unpacked) .zip file that you received from Polyvore.

    Please do not close the tab while the loader is spinning - you can open another tab if you need the browser 😊

    If you have any problems with sets upload, you can contact Ms Oliwia via [email protected] and she will upload your sets manually.

    Best wishes! 💝


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