Game of Thrones RP (High Fashion) - On Hold
Full Name: Arlee Maxine Stark
“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship”. Louisa May Alcott
Nickname: Lee, Max
Position in Family: third sibling
Age: 17
Birthday: March 4
Occupation: helps out at The Wall restaurant, is often seen customers and is face of the restaurant chain.
Personality: She is a Tomboy and even though her family dresses up she hates wearing frilly dresses. She is fiercely independent and wants out of her family’s shadow. However she is extremely loyal and will and has fought those who try to trash the Stark name. She is very intelligent and can think on her feet.
Likes: her sister and brother, learning new things, martial arts, archery, reading, boots, her short hair, and pancakes at 3am.
Dislikes: family obligations, rejection, taffeta, the color pink, tabloids, rap music, most vegetables, and people trying to protect her
Habits: Biting her nails to the quick, sitting on tables instead of chairs
Minimum of Two::
Secrets: has applied to colleges overseas to get away from the drama
Is quite the cook
Believes her family bribed her last partner to break up with her.
Strengths: athletic, smart, cooking
Weaknesses: quick tempered, gets nervous often
Biography: - Arlee is the youngest Stark and that is a blessing and a curse. Her parents are busy grooming her brother for the businesses and treating her sister as the first daughter. Arlee sometimes get lost in the shuffle, which is fine she is very independent. Though sometimes she feels like an outsider in her own family, shed never admit it though.
Arlee makes good grades in school and is busy applying to colleges, many across the country and overseas. She loves martial arts and archery as well as cooking.
She has only ever been in love once and it ended without an explanation.
Arlee is Bisexual and though her family doesn’t say anything her relationship with Rose was awkward for her parents and brother. She thinks her brother had something to do with it, though she has no proof. You don’t just accuse your family of that. The Starks are very loyal.
Arlee has seen the bad but likes to be mostly positive. Though she thinks if she doesn’t get a way from the drama her outlook will change.
Residence in NYC: a brownstone in the Fieldston neighborhood of Riverdale, the Bronx
Face Claim: Fran Summers
Taken By: @Followyourbliss -
Full Name: Aline Annemarie Lannister
“Of course I’m a threat? Why? Did you think for a moment that I wasn’t?” -Emma Frost, from Marvel’s X-MenNickname: Just Ms. Aline Lannister, please and thank you. Call her something stupid like Ally and she’ll have you poisoned in her sleep
Position in Family: Heir
Age: 35
Birthday: January 30th
Occupation: As the future head of the Lannister family, Aline is basically the third-in-command, after her mother and her father. She’s a lot of things, really-a jewel thief (stole a Faberge egg, once. She’s quite proud of that), a con-woman, a party planner (she really is excellent at planning parties), a diplomat and negotiator, et cetera. To the public, of course, she’s nothing more than a socialite who helps to run the family jewelry business; more of a celebrity than anything.Personality: Aline is very practical and has both feet planted firmly on the ground. She is capable of saying exactly what she means without saying anything at all, as well as flattering and insulting someone in the same breath. Aline is more than capable of bandying words about all day long, and she is extremely perceptive when it comes to what others are thinking or feeling. She has almost all the people who matter afraid of her and her family-and the ones who are not afraid of her will learn to fear her, or they will die.
Aline is observant and analytical; calm and collected under even the most trying of circumstances. She is logical and rational and constantly aware of her surroundings (she misses nothing]), and her sly, shrewd intelligence allows her to pick up even the slightest of cues. Aline is more “terrifying” than “charming”, but she is able to be charismatic-albeit in a vaguely terrifying sort of way. She is meticulous and thorough in everything she does (whether it’s plotting an assassination or planning a charity gala), and she knows the ins and outs of diplomacy like the back of her hand. She tends to think things through before she acts, and rarely lets her temper get the best of her-though when she is well and truly angry, Aline is completely blinded by her emotions.
If information is the game, then Aline is a merchant of great renown. Capable of lying, manipulating, seducing, or blackmailing her way to someone's secrets, Aline will have what she wants out of someone before they even realize she has her sights set on them. Aline is a coolly charismatic seductress who will play with her victim like a cat plays with a mouse, torturing them with frostily polite words and coy looks-all the while teasingly wrapping her arms around her fiancé.
Aline is very haughty and aloof (she can be shortsightedly disparaging) and she has an inability to trust others that could very much cost her her life one day. She has a rather cynical and bitter view of the world (she doesn't believe in true love, for example), and she has a tendency to be very judgmental of others. At first, she burned with a need for vengeance against her first husband for what he did to her daughter, even though he was already dead and gone by Aline's own hand (and she killed the rest of his family too, in fact), but now that it’s been so long and so many centuries have passed, Aline finds that she just doesn’t know a life without this rage that lives inside her, this cruelty. She believes that people are not inherently good nor evil, but that it is easier to be evil in difficult situations, so people tend to be selfish and greedy-Aline herself included.
Aline is ruthless and amoral. She can be extremely cold and callous, especially if she does not view somebody as "important". Aline will literally do anything-lie, cheat, steal, murder, blackmail, manipulate, whatever-to get what she wants.
But on the inside, past the years of rage and regret, Aline is a mess of sorrow and fury and ambition that have combined to create the woman that she is now. Aline is obsessively power-hungry, chasing after a metaphorical crown in the hopes that it will help fill the hole left inside her after what her first husband did-the hole that still persists, despite all the time that has passed, despite all the bloodshed and destruction and glory that she has left in her wake.
(She knows that it won't).
Likes: The color red, the color gold, pearls, diamonds, rubies, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, and other precious jewels, cherries, blackberries, being in charge/in control, when people scurry to obey her orders, being feared (or so she tells herself, anyway), telling people what to do/ordering others around, the position of influence that her family’s status has afforded her, delicacies such as swan or peacock, heady, cloying red wine (though she hates getting drunk-she doesn't like feeling that she isn't in control), elegant, expensive gowns that show off her impeccable taste as well as how wealthy her family is in a refined, understated manner, accessories that are both beautiful and deadly (wickedly sharp nail files, heels big and sharp enough to do some serious damage if needed, dagger-like hairpins and the like), lipstick and eyeliner, poison, power, people who are loyal to her, toying with and manipulating others, vengeance against those who have wronged her in the past, her family’s collection blades and daggers with ornate jeweled hilts (more useful than one would think, given the fact that they are considered decorative heirlooms), crimson silk, a good poisoning or a perfectly executed murder, subtlety (when it is needed), knowing everyone's secrets, designer handbags/gowns/shoes/make-up/et cetera
Dislikes: Her ex-husband, incompetence, when something/someone unnecessarily ruins her hair or clothing, silly stories about true love and chivalry, relying on others, men who are only powerful because they're men, being sweaty, messy hair, dirty clothing, crude manners, her ex-husband, being underestimated because she's a woman by people she actually trusts (who are few and far in between), sloppiness and messiness in general, drunkards, useless and meaningless violence and destruction (could you get any more rude??? All of the violence and destruction that Aline partakes in is plenty meaningful, thank you very much), physical altercations (they're just so messy), large dogs (they slobber too much), her ex-husband, cheap beer, “American” food (she’s totally not a burger and fries kind of person, thank you very much. Try caviar and champagne), sweltering summer days, being a pawn in her family’s game of politics (she’d like to be the one calling the shots, thank you very much), not too fond of the Targaryens, not that fond of the Martells, either, feeling powerless or helpless, being forced to marry people for stupid reasons (like, if she's going to be forced to marry someone in the first place, it better be for a damn good reason), gender roles and stereotypes (even though she frequently uses them to her advantage), the smell of smoke, people who feel the need to question her motives/her commands, the color black (which is quite a pity. Black will always be one of the most chic colors, you know?), oh, and did we mention her ex-husband?
- Aline has impeccable manners, even when she wants to stab somebody’s eyes out. As such, she will be perfectly polite, as etiquette dictates, at all times. Some, however, have found that the politer Aline is, the more…dangerous she is.
- Aline has a rather precise way of speaking, to say the least (many would say that it’s more…brusque, as opposed to precise, but that’s beside the point. Some have said that it sounds like she’s murdering the words as she says them)
- She killed her ex-husband. Granted, it was provoked, but still. Aline doesn’t think that’ll go down so well in court.
- She thinks that she maybe, that she just might, be growing to love her fiancé, if only a little bit. And it scares her-this feeling is too new, too raw. It makes her feel vulnerable, and she hates being vulnerable.
Strengths: Extremely perceptive, observant, analytical, calm and collected under even the most trying of circumstances, logical and rational, constantly aware of her surroundings, cunning, sly, shrewd, possesses a sharp sort of intelligence that allows her to pick up on even the slightest of cues, holds herself with a refined grace and dignity no matter what the situation, able to be charismatic (albeit in a vaguely terrifying way) if she chooses to do so, has a great taste in fashion (or so she thinks, anyway), very good at "playing her cards" right, notices everything, good at remembering names and faces, picks up on small, specific details, meticulous and thorough in everything that she does, exceedingly polite (in an almost frightening manner), tends to think things through before she acts and rarely allows her temper to get the best of her (though it’s definitely happened before), very determined to get what she wants
Weaknesses: Can be quite ruthless and amoral, rather haughty/aloof, can be shortsightedly disparaging, cold and callous, quite cruel, unfeeling, overly ambitious, will stop at nothing to get what she wants (Aline's not above the occasional poisoning or two, as a multitude of dead men can attest to), frighteningly manipulative, has very few "true" friends that she knows she can count on no matter what, more likely to inspire fear than love in the people she encounters, not above playing dirty but also hates getting her hands dirty (both literally and figuratively), really high-maintenance, bitter as fuck, a total snake, kind of pretentious, super power-hungry, the embodiment of a backstabbing-bitch, kind of all-or-nothing in the matters she feels strongly about, blinded by her emotions when well and truly angry, perfectly poisonous
Biography: Aline was born into power. She was born into power, and money, and luxury-and a lot of it, at that.
From a young age, Aline always had the best of everything; the best clothes, the best houses, the best schools, the best food. And why not? She was a Lannister.
Her family had risen to power thanks to her grandfather, an impeccable strategist, and her aunt, who married into the Baratheons and cemented their control. But it is a precarious control, Aline knows-the overthrow of the Targaryens led to much unrest, and if the resulting power vacuum had not been quickly filled by the Lannister-Baratheon alliance, who knows what would have happened?
At school, she was always the popular queen bee. Her parents’ colleagues and friends were always surprised by how perceptive she was; indeed, Aline has always been politically astute, thanks to the family business. In college, she double-majored in business and international relations, with a minor in East Asian studies.
After she graduated, she began to help her parents run the more legal side of the family business, and she worked to extend their network into the Asias. Aline’s ruthless, amoral approach brought her a great deal of success, and so what if she made a couple of enemies along the way? It’s not like they could do anything that would affect her. Her family was too powerful, and besides, they always paid their debts.
When Aline was twenty-three, she married a man twice her age. George was related to the Baratheons, though not in the direct line of succession.
Residence in NYC: A penthouse on the Upper East Side, of course. Where else?
Face Claim: Anna Selezneva
Taken By: @ayzrules -
I'm going to extend auditions until the 8th
Full Name: Lark Eugenie Arryn
“ Oh, screw beautiful. I'm brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain."Nickname:N/a
Position in Family: Heir
Age: 26
Birthday: November 2ndOccupation: Press Secretary and Communications Coordinator for her father.
Personality: Lark has the smooth confidence of a person who is wise beyond her years. While at work she may seem cold and detached, Lark has no hangups about letting her hair loose around family and friends.
Likes: dreary rainy nights, silk and velvet, luxury cars, vacationing abroad, powerful romantic partners
Dislikes: cardio, jet lag, late people, unchallenging work, summers in NY, impulsive behaviorsHabits: Lark is always at least ten minutes early to anything. She is the worst when it comes to remembering to reply to friends' texts.
Minimum of Two::
Secrets: Lark loves being in control, but out of the spotlight. She's currently trying to wrangle a husband with high status to groom him into a political tank.
Strengths: Lark is incredibly patient, she's able to plant seeds of ideas and wait years for it pay off. She also has a talent of figuring out what people want to hear.
Weaknesses: While it may not be evident from an outside prospective, Lark has her own moral obligations that she strictly abides by. Due to these self inflicted rules, potential opportunities tend to go to the wayside.Biography:
-Lark Eugenie was born to a wealthy political family that had a knack for investing in technology at the right time and place. The Arryn family knows that embracing the future is the best way to truly grow your status and wealth.
-Lark is your classic only child. She's been trained to take over the family business at a very young age. At the age of 8 she was sent to a prestigious boarding school in England until the age of 17. Then she finished her university years at Yale.
-Over the years Lark has made life long friendships. She is fiercely loyal to them.
-She's never been on love. She's been in plenty of serious relationships and she's said those three little words, but she's never truly meant it.
-Currently her father is making a run at mayor of NYC. Lark's father is using this opportunity to show Lark the political ropes.Residence in NYC: Carnegie Hill
Face Claim: Bruna Tenorio
Taken By:@ingle hopefully -
I'm just going to extend until Monday due to a number of requests. I also apologize for taking my audition down but I realized I was using the original form and not the one you have. It should be up within the hour
@ayzrules Hello!!!
i'have just read that, if doubling will be allowed, you would like to take the Tyrell male.
Since I claimed the tyrell female( Florence Rose Tyrell), he could be my older brother.
Just like Loras and Margaery in the show and books. Does it sound fine to you?
Lemme know what do you think with a private message.
Thanks in advance for your attention
Kisses and hugs
Sara -
@isabella-mertens That's fine with me
I'm going to say I should have everything up for plotting by Sunday
This post is deleted! -
I am so angry right now, I need to take a break. THEY ARE MESSING WITH THE CLASSICS.
@punkette123 Can you explain briefly what happened?
So as of now I am declaring everyone accepted. Plotting will be as follows:
~ Name, Age
~ Restate some likes and dislikes separately (IF you only put a few, then try to expand them)
~ Restate the basics of your personality
~ State your love interest name and profession (This is a mix of High Fashion and minor minor RP so you should preplot all romances if you don't want an NPC)
@ayzrules @buffykdh @bloodystilinski @Followyourbliss @ingle @monkeymanda22 @talismanic -
For Elyan Targaryen,
Link to character info and general possible plot connections HEREI opened the comments up in the doc but you could always reply here or message me directly to plot further
@ayzrules @buffykdh @bloodystilinski @Followyourbliss @ingle @monkeymanda22 @Punkette123
Florence tyrell
Link to my character and possible plots you want to plot further or ask me anything send me a DM
Hey everyone! I made a group for this to keep it organized so go and join so we can get the ball rolling. I already have the first event in mind
So this hasn't made it off the ground Like I'd planned so I'm going to put in on hold. If it ever comes around that I can do this again I'd be glad for all of you to reclaim your roles
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