Game of Thrones RP (High Fashion) - On Hold
I am ALL FOR modern GOT sort of thing-what did you have in mind?
@punkette123 okay, I'd definitely be interested in a modern GoT rp. Anything GoT, really, but modern would be interesting for sure.
@ayzrules I'm thinking along the lines of keeping the family names and maybe one or two original characters but otherwise everyone be original. Everyone will claim one heir position so it will be a pretty small group which should hopefully keep it going.
@punkette123 ooh I love that
@Punkette123 Im in, totally
I think for myself in terms of GoT I'm probably claiming House Martell or Targaryen. Certain points in the books/shows will be kept.
Hmm... I think I'd pick either House Stark (I mean, I did carve a direwolf pumpkin for Halloween once lol) or House Tully. Although, I had a character in a battle group on Polyvore who was a Baratheon bastard raised by Brynden Tully, and she could be interesting to explore more too.
@punkette123 Those are my two favorite houses too, I hope to see more of house Martell in the last season
And I'm interested (have to see how I will manage my time this summer though -
I'd be down for playing either Lannister or Tyrell!
I’d be super into this, is this going to only be the great houses? Bc then I’d be into Baratheon or Greyjoy but I’m a big minor house fan in ASOIAF and would love to claim one of them.
@monkeymanda22 Depending on how many members we get, we might have to keep it to the main houses. For NPC purposes you can maybe make a minor house character after everything is settled. ALSO would you all be ok doubling?
oh um i thought they would be premades because i dont watch the show so nevermind lol im sorry
@followyourbliss There are loose premades! I gave every family a background and main industries for money. I'm trying to keep it loose so that people who don't watch the show can do it. It's just going with the idea that one family was exiled and now they are back for revenge.
Ok so loose premades are up. If you want more specifics message me. For now doubling is optional because I am not sure how many people are actually interested
@punkette123 oh okay thank you and where are the premades at?
@followyourbliss I was wondering this as well.
Would you all prefer if there were full on premade characters with specifics or would you rather come up with your own based off the features and Identifiers I have listed above? I have premade characters if you want, I just thought people wold prefer more creative license
@punkette123 lowkey full on premades bc I don't really watch the show
@punkette123 Premades definitely