Roleplay Ideas!

  • Because I am indecisive as heck and itching to write again, I've come up with a couple ideas for roleplays so let me know if you'd be interested and which you'd be down for!

    1. Hooligans and Hoaxes
      inspired by: Scooby Doo
      MYSTERY INC: There are mysteries around every corner but wouldn't it be great if there was someone to solve them?
      Introducing the mystery gang -
      Here to solve all of your supernatural or odd-seeming mysteries. Call 1-800-MYSTERY to report any and all strange phenomenon. Based in tbd, will travel across the globe to solve your most suspicious events.
    • Characters: So here's the twist to everyone's favorite - Scooby Doo. Characters can be any gender, name, etc. Their traits will be based off of the Scooby Doo crew + a few more.
    • Events:
      The roleplay will follow their mysteries. Mysteries will be in two parts:
      One event will start the mystery, sharing who is involved, what the mystery is, where it takes place, how the gang found out about it, what you know so far and a future piece of information. It is up to you and your character to see what you can find out about what is going on surrounding this mystery.
      The second event will expose the truth of the mystery and will allow the characters to write of the capture of who is behind it or exposure of what is going on.
    1. Tide Pool
      based on: Aquamarine
      Seaside, Florida: a beach community based on the Florida coast, seemingly normal from the outside, with too many odd reports to be ignored. "Mermaids!" That's what so many citizens and vacationers alike have claimed to see before their eyes. True or not, Seaside has capitalized with mermaid resturants, gift shops, cafes and water parks. Second to the mermaid claims, Seaside has quickly become a land of surfer's galore, pulling enough attention to host one of the biggest, nationwide surfing competition of the summer for the first time this year. With the rise of mermaid claims and surfing stars, the folks of Seaside are in for the biggest summer of their lives.
    • characters: high school - college students, original characters, vacationers or locals
    • events: once a week or every other week
    1. Fight like a Girl
      based on: She's the Man
      When their soccer team is threatened, Asheville's girls soccer team fights to keep their team afloat with the compromise of if they can prove themselves, their shortlisted team can stay. With four weeks til their season's kickoff game against their rival, Hotchkiss, the girls of Asheville Varsity Soccer are training to kick butt from their boarding school field like never before.
    • characters: high school students, girls, original characters
    • events: once a week


    @mint I would potentially be down for the second idea!

    Were you thinking of pre-made roles or OCs for these?

  • Id be up for 2 or maybe 3

  • @mint I think I would just an Aquamarine one bc Iā€™m a sucker for that book and movie

  • uhhh always down for scooby doo shenanigans, and tide pools sounds gr8 especially since i've been tapping back into h2o haha

  • I love one and three!

  • aquamarineeeee

  • I'm a sucker for anything with mermaids, so the tidepools one absolutely has my vote šŸ˜‰

  • @mint I wasn't tagged, just scrolling but I love the tide pool one.

  • @altered-dreams Hi there! So I actually ended up making and just finished up auditions for that roleplay but if you can make an audition quickly, within the next few days, I'd love to have you in it! All information can be found here:


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