Instagram won't connect

  • Hi there! I habe some problems with Instagram. I really like to connect my Instagram profile to URSTYLE, but everytime I try so, it keeps saying I'm blocking cookies in my browser or am browsing in private mode. However, I'm not blocking cookies (I enables them all) & I'm not browsing in private, so what is going wrong? (Logging in is correct, but connecting to my profile won't work).

    Thank you!

  • Magazine Look

    Dear, you can contact Urstyle team via [email protected] if you have a recurring problem. 🙂

    However, I'd recommend cleaning cookies & cache and updating your browser to the latest version before you contact them (because you might be able to solve your problem alone) - you can find the necessary instructions here, it's all very simple: 🙂

    Hope this helps! Good luck! 💖


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