TUTORIAL: How to user contests at URSTYLE :)
Dear friends, this short video will show you the easy way to enter Urstyle contests: https://youtu.be/vEFI8-oI3is
Feel free to give me suggestions about new tutorials.
Feel free to upvote if you find this tutorial useful.Have fun entering contests!
@vn1ta Thank you very much!!
@cgoehring78 You're most welcome, dear! Enjoy!
Thank you for this! It was easier to see someone actually doing it compared to a screenshot of just instructions
@smileyishere92 Yes dear, that's why I made a video
Feel free to give me suggestions about new tutorials
EDIT: please note that this issue has been fixed after this post was made, so you can freely ignore it. I'm not deleting it to show what the issue used to be.
@vn1ta If I do it the way you're showing, I get this;
I'm not sure if I'm the only one seeing that, but the background shows as black for me.If I use  and paste the url I get from right clicking the set and picking view image, I get this;
....I'm actually kinda puzzled at this.
@myrrael Feel free to post a new tutorial, dear. I do not see the black background (in posts other than this one that you showed me here), but maybe someone else does.
@myrrael Hey dear
I've just seen this post (my contest tutorial) shared on the forum and then I remembered this issue with the black background behind sets.
I've discovered that it happens because Urstyle sets are saved in .png format. The other way to enter contests would be to make a screenshot (click PRTSC or FN + PRTSC on your keyboard), then crop out the set from screenshot and upload the picture, but that might be way too complicated for everyone.
In any case, we're safe as long as Urstyle keeps the white background!
Best wishes! -
@vn1ta I went back to that one with the black background, and it's indeed a png. How odd! Thank you for drawing attention to it
And, don't worry about me, I was just attempting to find an easier way to explain it to someone else, then encountered the black background. -
Everyone, please use
link to return to the original post / beginning.
Thank you, dear
@myrrael i was having the same issue. I am about to try again
@fassionista The sets are now being saved with white background - the problem is fixed, don't worry about it, dear
Best wishes!
Oooooogggg mmaaaaayyyyy. Laaaawdddddd! Sweeet baby Jesus!!!!!
This post is deleted! -
@fassionista Dear, is there any problem? I'm not sure that I understand your comments
Oops. Sorry for the alarm
Iām just very happy about the contest feature being open. No problem whatsoever.
This is what happens when I bedridden woman sees something that can stimulate her brain. ,š¤«
@fassionista Okay, thank you for clarifying
Have a good day!
I have tried to create a contest in my group Beauty, Fashion and Fun using the new contest function (whoohooo).
I was able to do so (I am using the Safari browser on an iPad) and while I have a link that I can 1) share 2) go to and see the contest I created (https://urstyle.com/contest/13-thanksgiving-style) and 3) members can enter the contest using that link, if you go to the contest link on th BFF page itself, it says I have no contests. Can you help, please ?
Thank you so much darling