• Twisted Gypsies

    @lecoupdefoudre EXACTLY!

  • @lecoupdefoudre Yes, or what I've done recently is "clip" one of my Polyvore sets that I had pinned in Pinterest (before Polyvore went defunct), and I was able to use it as a background "item" in one of my recent URSTYLE sets. Of course, this only works for those who have saved their PV sets on Pinterest, or other similar website... ☺

  • @admin @pwhiteaurora @lecoupdefoudre That's what I mean, there doesn't seem to be a quick and easy way to do it that doesn't require clipping/reuploading.

    I suggested making it possible to load them as a background image in edit mode because it would be the most user friendly way.

  • Magazine Look

    Is it truly necessary to have a default "right size" of the uploaded items?

    I have a bunch of rejected items due to inadequate size (attached screenshot) and other users who clip more often than me probably have this problem as well.

    Not all items in the set will be large and they do not need to be... Some users create sets with very small items and they look great. Sometimes the image is not available in better resolution and bigger size and this is not too relevant, especially on mobile phones.

    Please consider this. Thanks in advance.


  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @vn1ta @admin In regard to the rejected items, I do not understand if they are rejected why are they still being loaded into Urstyle so the images are visible, this seems counterproductive to me as now the server has all these rejected images on them??

    I would also like to suggest that a search field is put into place for the organisation of items, it would be very time efficient to have a search field so for example you could do a search on one item or multiple items of same name, to select and put into a collection.

    Also like to suggest for groups that the moderator can use a symbol or the likes to disqualify a set when they do not meet contest rules, also the ability for a member to remove one of their own sets from a group contest if they desire. Many Thanks Ollie

  • @admin I have a grand suggestion for Urstyle users here which I think every user would benefit from. Much like the item organizer well there could be a set organizer too. It would be easier to place certain sets from own creations or even liked sets in collections without having to pick each one out from a long queue of sets on the main profile page. Just a thought because it would make things lots easier for those of us that use collections to our advantage for organizing and such

  • Magazine Look

    I think it would be useful to be able to sort sets by user in contests (Group > Contest > section Favourites). This way it would be easier to compare sets and choose the best set for each individual user (in order to avoid having a single user take multiple contest trophies).
    This would be especially useful since we still cannot limit the number of entries per user. Filtering would be a lot easier with this sorting option.

  • Magazine Look

    Hi I hope these suggestions are helpful. I've created a list:

    1. Please can drafts be displayed when we look into them instead of listed as it makes it really hard to go back to old work! x

    2. Also please can we have more than one per tab open at a time (e.g: fashion) and not have to scroll through them? Instead can they be stacked as it's too hard to scroll through back and forth.

    3. When creating work can be able to create a new set without having to refresh the page? Could there be a "create a new set" button? x

    4. Please could our display photos be bigger? But still in the lovely circle format.

    5. Please can the banner run across the whole desktop page and be slightly bigger so we can use better quality resolution photos.

    6. I think the landing page needs a banner for the site. Like "Join the fashion community"

    7. I think that sets should display bigger than they currently are?

    8. Please can we create collections in a tool like create? Where we drag the items into place? I think that this will make creating collections a lot easier.

    I really hope these suggestions help! Just a few things i've noticed whilst using the site! I really love it and love how crisp and fresh it is! Also love some of the features! x

  • Art Expression

    please create something that allows us which groups to post our sets to i create both fashion and art sets. im sure the fashion people dont want my art sets submitted to there fashion pages.

  • Art Expression

    @blossomca i mean to say "choose wich groups to post our sets to

  • Outfits for others

    This post is deleted!
  • Outfits for others

    @blossomca I agree with what your saying it dumb for people who like fashion to see art sets and stuff I makes perfect since to me what your saying

  • @admin It would be great to have the ability to like items directly in the create tab. For example, when scrolling through items for a set I might come across something I want to “like” for later use, but that isn’t right for the set. Being able to like it would be great, maybe by holding down its picture? (On mobile, i don’t know about desktop)

    It would also be cool to be able to add items directly to collections in a similar way from the create tab, like if I saw a shirt that really made sense for one of my collections, I could just add it right away. (I can’t remember if collections can even have individual items right now, but generally that’s what I used collections for in polyvore, as sort of “wardrobes”, not groups of sets.

      Every time that I, or anybody, makes a set, the items always shift and it's incredibly annoying. This has been going on for a very long time... it's getting ridiculous.

      Currently, it's difficult and uncomfortable to sift through my & liked collections. There should be an option to search by name.

      It's uncomfortable to have have to sift through items in different tabs just to add them to a collection. We should be able to select items from our/liked inventory, drag and rearrange items.

      When we publish sets, the quality becomes awful.



    @ayzrules said in items shifting:

    Actual pic of me, who has not used the undo button in 2.5 years because of the shifting:


  • @admin
    @eternal said in PLACE FOR SUGGESTIONS:

      Every time that I, or anybody, makes a set, the items always shift and it's incredibly annoying. This has been going on for a very long time... it's getting ridiculous.

      Currently, it's difficult and uncomfortable to sift through my & liked collections. There should be an option to search by name.

      It's uncomfortable to have have to sift through items in different tabs just to add them to a collection. We should be able to select items from our/liked inventory, drag and rearrange items.

      When we publish sets, the quality becomes awful.

  • Royal Community


    The only thing I'm REALLY missing at this point is a beter collection system. It would be nice to be able to organize the items in a collection by dragging them around instead of having to add each seperate item in the right order.

    And maybe an alignment function in the set creator. That would be pretty nice too.

  • Easier way to delete sets please!
    We can click on item organizer & click on items we want gone from our collection. I wish we had something similar for our 'sets' because I'm trying to clean out some of mine I don't want on my page anymore but it takes forever scrolling through over 1,000 sets, deleting one by one.

  • When we publish a set and we choose which collection we want it to go in, is there a way we can get the set to disappear into the collection instead of having all of them in a single spot of the home page & we have to keep scrolling through them to find on we want to get rid of etc?
    Thank you!

  • @admin Hi. Please give us the option to make our accounts/pages private. I and several users have been harassed by people on this site. It would solve a lot of privacy issues.


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