The Pact

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    Full Name: Josephine Grace Ward (Josie; Jo; Writes under the name Grace Ward)
    Age: 17/32
    Birthday: October 29th
    Likes: coffee; writing on typewriters; book tours; cookies and cream ice cream; the ocean and sand between her toes; classical music; shoes; summer; dancing in the rain; watching lighting coming in over the ocean; dogs; turtles; cats; pink and white
    Dislikes: Being even the slightest bit tipsy; the anniversary of that night; writer’s block; winters; loud rock music; the mountains; deadlines; rats; running out of coffee
    2003: Rosie Tupper
    2018: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
    Personality: Josephine Ward has always lived a little more in her head then the world around her. This little fact has always made her come across as a little flighty. However, she is has never been close to flighty, just simply making up worlds that for her are bigger then the one she lives in and sometimes much louder. She loves meeting new people, has always been extremely social. She is a pretty OCD type of person, everything in it’s place and order rules. It’s extremely rare that she does anything spur of the moment. Going along with that she doesn’t enjoy feeling out of control, sort of a been there once never again situation. Josephine doesn’t enjoy conflict, she tries to avoid it whenever possible.
    Bio: Josephine Ward is the youngest of four, with two older sisters (Alice and Rachel) and an older brother (Seth). Her parents, Lincoln and Sarah Ward, both born and raised in Beaufort, North Carolina. Growing up Josephine’s father was into the politics of their town; serving on the town council on and off for most of her childhood and served as Mayor for her last two years at St. Mary’s. Her mother was an elementary school teacher. She spent her early years chasing after her siblings and being put in pretty dresses so her father could show off his perfect little family, not that it wasn’t perfect it was actually just pretty run of the mill. They argued and had hard times just like all families.

    Going to St. Mary’s was Josephine’s idea because one of the English teachers was a good friend of her mother’s and had explained that the school would help her writing, something she’d started doing in middle school. She wasn’t one of the most popular girls but being the social butterfly that she has always been she was never denied access to any fun. When she was roomed with Lucy Cotter those chances came more often. Fifteen years later she sometimes wishes that she had, had more self-control back then. Going to the boat party had seemed like a good idea, a way to expel some of the excitement she’d had about getting into her top choice of college, UNC-Chapel Hill. She’d never gotten high before, so she could have never fully explained to the police or her parents what had happened and that was why she’d sided with Diana. The last thing she ever wanted to do was shame her father and lose the future she’d worked hard for.

    A lot of her adult traits stem from that night, her OCD and need to be in control all the time. The one time she did loose control and someone ended up dead, well needless to say it left a mark on her. She went onto college and kept her nose clean. She was still a little social butterfly but parties and drinking and drugs never crossed her path again. She started working on her first novel her senior year of college but didn’t get it published for another four years at the age of twenty-five, after which she bought a cute beach house in Wilmington and continued writing. That was the first in a four book young adult apocalyptic series that she has only in the last year finished. Every once and a while she thinks about that night and knows that if they had done anything different her life would have been extremely different.

    While Josephine’s professional life has taken the front seat since she got out of college, she sort of forgot about the romance part of things. She met Alexander Wright at a writing convention in Maine. He was charming and writes historical fiction. Once she let her guard down she fell pretty quick and then the insane thing happened, she found out she was pregnant. When she told Alex he was extremely happy and in his excitement he asked her to marry him. Josephine didn’t even think before shouting out yes. That was three days before she received an email with an attached video of her and the other girls dumping Lucy’s body. Now she’s headed back home instead of celebrating her engagement and future life.

    What did you really think of Lucy Cotter and that night?
    I liked Lucy; she was a good roommate. We weren’t the best of friends by any means but she was someone that I was close to. That night has always been a dark smug in my memory, I can’t fully remember anything after a certain moment. Being woken up be Emilia’s scream pulled me out of the fog and all I could think about was if asked what had happened I couldn’t actually tell. I would have had to admit to my father that I had been so high that I didn’t know how someone that was a friend had died. I was scared
    How have you changed since that night?
    I would like to say I haven’t changed except in the normal ways people do as they grow up, but I know that’s not true. I noticed sometime afterwards that I didn’t like not being in control of the world around me. I know that’s because that night I wasn’t in control and Lucy died.
    Why is it important for you to resolve this once and for all?
    First and foremost I’m going to be a mother, I don’t want to keep this secret to hang over my child’s head. Second I want to know what really happened, I want to remember that night finally.

    Top 3: Josephine
    Taken By: @BBoles3984

    Love Interest: Alexander Wright (Jensen Ackles)

  • You have until the 22nd to finish up auditions. If you need extensions please message me as soon as possible

  • I was looking through the information and so many of you arent finished. No one has asked for more time. Auditions end the 22nd.

  • two days remaining to finish your auditions 🙂

  • If you are still interested in this rp and haven't finished your audition please message me

  • So you have until tomorrow night at 8 pm est to finish with everything. Please notify me if you need more time. Im more than willing to help, but you need to let me know

  • thank you for everyone who has finished so far. i will start looking through them probably tomorrow afternoon so please get the info in

  • im going out of town from tomorrow til sunday/monday. ill announce parts after that. In the mean time get everything finished please 🙂


    So after going through your amazing auditions I have picked parts. If you didnt finish I gave you the benefit of the doubt and in most cases gave you the part. I will be messaging a few of you about parts but as of now here they are

    Iris- @expiredsunshine
    Matilda- @agentdanascully
    Adelaide- @ahlexandra
    Freya- @followyourbliss

    If you have any questions please message me. You can begin plotting if you received a part 🙂

  • hey guys, idk if we continue posting here, but i've made a set where you can comment ideas for connections/plotlines for the past & present with my character adelaide 🙂 it's also her current instagram feed!

    P.S: i've seen 'storyboard' sets posted but i'm not sure what that is...hopefully this works?

    @expiredsunshine @agentdanascully @spacelava @buffykdh @monkeymanda22 @Followyourbliss

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    comment here

    Also we will be plotting on this thread and Ill make an event thread

    @expiredsunshine @agentdanascully @spacelava @buffykdh @monkeymanda22 @Followyourbliss @BBoles3984

    Ps. does anyone that didnt get a part or know of anyone that wants to be Candace?

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    Jenny Amherst Plotting
    Comment here.

    → Iris (@expiredsunshine)
    → Josephine (@spacelava)
    → Emilia (@buffykdh)
    → Adelaide (@ahlexandra )
    → Diana (@monkeymanda22)
    → Freya (@followyourbliss)

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    Application Set (I edited my audition set and the application is in the description): Bianca's Application
    Plot Set: Bianca's Plotting

    Iris - @expiredsunshine
    Josephine - @spacelava
    Emilia - @buffykdh
    Adelaide - @ahlexandra
    Diana - @monkeymanda22
    Freya - @Followyourbliss

  • okay so i have a question for all of you. What should we do with Candace? I have scraped Sienna and put Bianca in as one of the girls but I had envisioned 10 girls in total that night including Lucy.
    I cant get in touch with the girl that had interest in her, she never put anything into her audition and isnt answering my messages...
    I guess we could make her a npc but thats not what I want. Does anyone know of anyone that would play her? Id be up for discussing her character traits to accommodate the person wanting her too.
    I just dont know what to do and need help.

  • Ahh! I honestly don’t know anyone else. I didn’t RP on Polyvore so I don’t have that many connections. But I’ll help with any suggestions that others come up with.

  • bell, book & candle

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    Emilia Ridley Plotting
    Comment here ❤

    Iris- @expiredsunshine
    Matilda- @agentdanascully
    Josephine- @spacelava
    Adelaide- @ahlexandra
    Diana- @monkeymanda22
    Freya- @followyourbliss
    Bianca- @BBoles3984

  • everyone try to get your plotting done.i will announce the first event sometime next Wednesday 🙂

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    Diana Blandsberg Plotting
    Comment Here

    Iris - @expiredsunshine
    Josephine - @spacelava
    Emilia - @buffykdh
    Adelaide - @ahlexandra
    Bianca - @BBoles3984
    Freya - @Followyourbliss

  • if you havent joined the group yet and still want to please do so as soon as possible. Please get your auditions and plotting sets in the group forums as well.


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